30 March 2010

this week in music news....

i'm going to post some music updates. both in the real world, and in my world. i mean, i'll post them in the real world. but the updates have to do with both the real world, and music as it relates to my world. which is different than the real world.


1. i know i already posted the news about Paper Tongues releasing their debut record today, but that was before i bought the record. for 7 bucks on itunes. after buying the cd and listening to it multiple times through, i have come to this conclusion - IT ROCKS. it's so awesome, i can't stop listening to it!! it's so awesome that i immediately tweeted to Paper Tongues how much i loved it. and i might actually to it again, because i love it that much.

there's this one song: Get Higher. OH MAN. it's so good. and so beautiful. and they include a bonus acoustic version and i can't stop listening to it. i decided i want it to be my wedding song.

the whole cd is awesome. if you buy it on itunes you get 10 tracks, 1 bonus track, plus two videos!! i haven't watched the videos yet. WORTH IT. do it. i know you secretly want to. i can tell. you're all like, "what is this band with seven people in it!!??" i know it sounds CRAZY, and i know they are kind of scary at first. but TRUST ME, i have gone from civilian to Paper Tongues fan and it is a good transformation.

let's see if i can still name them all:

- aswan
- jordan
- cody
- nic?
- no, nic is in JET
- cameron? or is he in JET too?
- are there two camerons?

no, i can't do it. i have to look them up. here we go:

- aswan!
- jordan!
- cody!
- clayton
- devin
- danny

wait, that's only six.

- joey

phew! it's a hard band to name. there are two c's, two d's, two j's, and one a. weird.

ANYWAYS - their record rocks. self-titled. 'alternative' genre. love it. LOVE the bonus track.

next piece of music news:

2. my friend DAVE left me a comment that was actually an awesome link to a Tally Hall article!!!!! about their next record hopefully coming out this summer! so great! and Tally Hall has been appearing in random places in my life lately...
- the abandoned amusement park which made me think of them
- in the grocery store when i was buying ketchup and suddenly i thought of the video where Zubin is talking about eating natural ketchup instead of regular ketchup. and then hilarity ensues. oh man i love that video. if you haven't laughed yet today, you should watch that video. and if you enjoy laughing in general - you should watch all the Tally Hall videos. they kind of feel like your best friends after you do.

which is a lovely segue to our next piece of music news....ALSO semi-related to Tally Hall.

3. i was watching The O.C. the other night, as i have been doing quite frequently in my non-work state, and there was an episode where they went to a Killers concert.

(*KILLERS interlude* first i thought they were scary, but then i liked them.)

anyways, they went to a Killers show, and it was exciting. they always go to concerts now and i love it. BUT, The Killers started playing this one song, 'Smile Like You Mean It,' and the only version i have of that song is by Tally Hall, and i was like,

JULIE: OMG they're playing a Tally Hall song!!!!!

and then i thought about it a little more,

JULIE: Waaaiitt....when was this show on?? Is Tally Hall actually playing a Killers song?!!

and i immediately went and did some research and discovered that the name of the album that my Tally Hall 'Smile Like You Mean It' song is on is called, "The O.C: Covering Our Tracks." and THEN, i realized that it's an album of COVER songs. i looked it up on iTunes.

i was shocked. it's actually a Killers song! and ALL ALONG (crash kings song) i thought it was a Tally Hall song. amazing. that link is to The Killers version. i can't find the Tally Hall version on youtube.

and i just watched another episode of The O.C. and they went to a Modest Mouse concert! and i decided that if the show was still on tv - they would totally go to a Crash Kings concert. Seth Cohen would love Crash Kings.

speaking of The O.C. - Jimmy. i'm sad that he's leaving. i was hoping that him and Julie would get back together. i loved when Marissa went up to Julie and said, "well, if it isn't the wicked witch of the west coast." such a great way to describe her! although, i can't help it - i like Julie.

OH, and i had my first cry at an episode. the first time i cried during an episode. it was during the Chrismukkah episode of the second season. WHICH FUNNY ENOUGH, was the only episode i had ever seen when the show was actually on the air. but at the time, i thought it was strange and had no idea what was going on. but this time, i thought it was really moving and sweet.

anyways. i think that's all the music news. just those three things.

man, i really love that Paper Tongues song. Get Together. no, Get Higher. yep, i love it so much i can't even get the name right.

i'm thinking of the song 'Get Together' that will be the finale on the Bro Tour 2011.

the Paper Tongues song i want played at my wedding. funny, because up until the minute before i heard that song, i wanted my wedding song to be 'Wonderwall.' a live version that Noel does.

which makes me think that i need to have multiple weddings. in order to get all these great songs in.

other wedding songs i would like to have:

1. This Year's Love by David Grey
2. Sunshower by Chris Cornell
3. Are You Gonna Be My Girl by JET

that's like, five marriages. i suppose i could combine some of those. say, play 'Wonderwall' and then play 'Are You Gonna Be My Girl.'

i had even thought about playing 'Courtyard (instrumental)' by Coconut Records. but then i thought that it would make a better 'walk down the aisle' song than a first dance song. i'm still sticking to that one.

basically, my wedding is going to be like an episode of The O.C. because of all the totally rad music. i'll probs throw in some Crash Kings too. a little 'My Love.' a little 'Come Away.' i actually think that 'Come Away' would be a pretty wedding song if you get married in the winter. yep.

this is what i think about. planning quite dramatically for the future.

ya know what? i love planning weddings. perhaps i should become a wedding planner. or a Wedding Music Coordinator. do those exist? sure they do.

moving on from my patheticness...

i had to buy more eyedrops today. MORE EYEDROPS. i have been using them like it's nobody's business. like it's going out of style. LIKE CRAZY. man, it feels like every 20 minutes i need to put more in. my eyes are BURNING ITCHY CRAZY. i suppose it's from all the rain plus spring? i don't know. but whatever it is, it should stop. i'm probably going to go blind. i realized this today in the car when i wanted to put in eyedrops but then said,

JULIE: It's probably not safe to put in eyedrops whilst driving.

but these eyedrops that i get - they're the super kind that cost like, $11 for a tiny bottle. and you're only supposed to need them every 12 hours. that's twice a day. sometimes i use them twice an hour! yikes.

BUT! the horrible thing is - i also have cheaper eyedrops that don't say 'every 12 hours' and sometimes i'll use those too. like, interchanging the chemicals i am putting into my eyes. yep. blind.

i should go to an allergy doctor while i still have health insurance. i was actually thinking about that.

i've got nothing better to do. except blog. and watch The O.C.

did i tell you i got my car registered yesterday? UGH. i did. it was expensive.

AND i have to do it again in november and it's going to be even MORE expensive.

i kind of think that's crap. to make me pay TWICE in the same year to register my car. i guess it makes sense, because in november it will be for 2011, right? but still. it won't be 2011 next november.

i should get a discount. well, i guess i did get a discount this time because of all the money i had already paid to get my old car registered in february. it feels like i'm just throwing all my money at the town clerk.

and what happens if i move to a different town or state? will they transfer over the registration and credit me with the money i have already paid? or will i have to pay it all again?

i think this is a flawed system. i'll straighten things out when i am president.

perhaps treat a car registration like a PO Box? pay by the month? or every 6 months? that way if you move, you're not losing all that money.

it should really just be a one-time fee. you buy the car, you pay to get it registered, and you don't pay again until you get a different car. YEP. maybe you have to get the registration renewed. but, that'll be free. just kind of say, "yep, still have the car."

i like this plan. and i think america will like this plan.

"things may be crap now, but the future sure looks good." JULIE FOR PRESIDENT.

love it. i'm making Maria my campaign manager. i haven't talked to her about it yet, but i think she'll take the job. either that, or vice president. and either that, or co-president. like we always talked about.

maybe i'll commission Paper Tongues to write the new national anthem. cause we're gonna need one. or, maybe i'll just have Tony record the current one on the clavinet.

man my inauguration ball is gonna ROCK. it'll be like one of the parties from Marie Antoinette. yep. Jason Schwartzman will be there. that's what i mean by that. no, i'm just kidding. he'll be there, yes, but i meant more like the part with the indie rock music and party gowns. and lots of champagne. and tiny cakes. it will be catered by Kara's Cupcakery and Crepery.

the future. oh man.

anyways. it's 8:11pm.

i got a weird phone call this morning at 5:44am. i answered it and it was two beeps and then silence. and i didn't want to say anything else because i thought, "uh oh, is this line tapped?" but then i thought about the Veronica Mars episode where they can't find the sister who is about to be married, and they keep calling her house phone, which doesn't work, until they realize that they need to switch it over to 'fax machine' or something. and then the fax comes through and they figure out where she is.

so after thinking the thing about the phone tapping, i thought, "oh, i wonder if that was a fax machine calling me."

it wasn't on my cell phone, it was on the house phone. can a cell phone be tapped? probably. i don't know.

and then the house alarm went off. but, i didn't realize it. and i have no memory of getting up and shutting the alarm off. but, apparently i did. because nobody else in the house at 6:15am has the code except for me!

it makes me nervous to leave the house alarm on when nobody else is in the house. we turn it on when there are residents so we know if one of them runs away during the night. then the alarm goes off. but, if the alarm goes off while i'm here by myself, then that means that something else has opened the door. and that scares me to think about. why am i talking about it now? i don't know. i'm just scaring myself.

it also scares me to think, "what if the phone rings while i'm here alone, but it comes from the inside of the house?!" like, if one of the residents calls me during the night, it's a double ring, cause it's coming from the inside. if an outside caller calls, it's one ring. but what if i hear the double ring when i'm alone?!

oh geeze. this is what i think about. i'm not good at living in houses by myself. especially really old and big ones.

ok. perhaps i need to go do something else now. i think Ruby is ready for supper. and i might go take a bath.

hope you are having a great night. when i started this entry, i told myself i wouldn't talk about anything more than those three pieces of music news. and now look what's happened. so much better!!!!!!

alright. i'll talk to you later!


1 comment:

  1. You only need one wedding if Maria makes you a marrige medley!


thanks for the comment! you're the best!!