31 March 2010


i saw the most recent Pedro Almodovar film, Broken Embraces, last night. i forgot how much i love his movies. LOVE them. let's recap:


oh, All About My Mother. i love that one. and Volver. oh how i love Volver. i might watch that this afternoon, actually.

oh how i love the Almodramas. SO dramatic. SO over the top. SO red. they're made of wonderful, really. you really can never go wrong.

Broken Embraces was no different.

i guess i love his movies mainly because they're so original. it's never just boy meets girl, boy looses girl, boy gets girl back. it's like, boy is a writer writing his greatest screenplay, girl is a character in the screenplay and he falls in love with her, but then something from the past comes back and makes him realize that she's not only just a character, but they secretly had a love affair when they were young. and then in a total twist, you find out that what's happening in the screenplay has been in the 'real world' and everything you've just watched has been false!!!

aahhhh so refreshing to see something that's not 'based on the book' or 'adapted from the short story' whatever.

Broken Embraces was really good. i wanted it to go on forever. when it ended, i said,

JULIE: WHAT?! Noooo!!! Keep going!!!

for realz. it wasn't as twisty and turny as i expected, though. it was more about realization of the truth and acceptance for the things you cannot change.

but MAN - Penelope Cruz. geeze she's so gorgeous. especially with all her different hairstyles.

anyways. what else?

i had a dream that Kara and I met up with Ryan for a Rooney/Crash Kings show. it was a good dream. the tickets were $50, but i only had $70, so that's what i paid. and it was a 70 dollar bill. not like, three 20s and a 10.

perhaps it's a sign that someday the Crash King tickets will be really, really expensive.

Billboard.com wrote an article about their number 1 song!!!!
don't let the huge picture of Carrie Underwood fool you - they do talk about Crash Kings. the article says that Crash Kings are the first new band to have their first single reach number one since 2006. did that make sense when i said it? if you didn't understand that sentence, let me summerize:

Crash Kings = awesome.

also, i watched an interview video with them at SXSW and Tony talked again about having JET over to their parent's house. MAN that must have been a crazy night. anyways, the interviewer was like,

TONY: Yeah, we had them over to our parent's house for dinner when we were in Boston.
INTERVIEWER: ...You did this on purpose?
INTERVIEWER: Now, I've met the JET guys, and they don't bathe very often.

now, i heard him say that, and these were the first two thoughts that went through my head:

1. ooooo greasy boys
2. i bet he never washes that plaid shirt

now, since learning that the JET boys rarely bathe, the JET sex appeal has gone up like, probably 25%. it's true. i can't help it. i like the boys who don't wash their hair. most of us know this from the boy i was in love with during college. actually, i suppose there were many boys. but, Emily and Jenny know which one i'm talking about.

i'm not sure how i feel about the sweaty plaid shirt, though. i kind of wish that he would wash it. i bet at least he didn't wash it for the three shows that we saw. because they were on the bus the whole time. and it definitely sounds like no laundry went on at Mike and Tony's house.

just a warning when you watch that video..... Tony is wearing the red plaid shirt. and he smiles a lot. i'm not responsible for what happens to an individual when they witness both the shirt and the smile at once. crazy things start happening to people.


i have to go to the post office. i'm supposed to get, An Education today. which i am VERY excited about. like, really excited. at first i had Where the Wild Things Are at the top of my queue, but then i saw An Education was being released yesterday and i switched them. Peter Saarsgard trumps monsters.

okay. i'm really hungry so i'm going to eat some delicious chocolate cheerios. i might straighten my hair. actually, probably not cause it's raining. still. and then i'm going to go to the post office. i was hoping to walk there today. but, i have no waterproof gear.

except! that sweater i bought in Ireland. that crazy sweater from the Aran Islands. it's probably way to hott for that sweater. it doesn't look cold and rainy.

anyways. i suppose i'll talk to you later. i hope you're having a great WEDNESDAY!!!!!

take care.


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