18 February 2010

what a night!

so. okay.

i am very tired. it's 3:06am. thursday morning. i have to be awake by at least 10am. yikes.

got back from the hospital not too long ago. false baby alarm. it was pretty stressful. i'm happy it was a false alarm.

we left the hospital around 12:30am. and i thought, "wow, i have to be back here in less than 12 hours!" another appointment. great.

i'm feeling kind of fed up right now. not like, a bad mood. but i don't know. something. just before we left for the hospital i was in the middle of writing a very frustrated email detailing about how i was feeling very annoyed and frustrated. and then the frustration just kept piling up.

it's very frustrating being with two teenagers at a hospital in the middle of the night. one of them 9 months pregnant. and then come back and have nobody to vent to.

oh, that's what you're here for. i know. but sometimes it's not the same. i kind of vented

OK, WOW. so, ONCE AGAIN, in the middle of me writing about how frustrated the night has been going, something else happens to make it even WORSE.

and now i don't even want to vent to anyone because i'm upset and tired. and don't know what to do.

i guess, i don't know.

wow. bad night at work. after nights and nights of uninterrupted quiet - it all happens tonight.

at least i can look over to the mountain and see my star.

ok. goodnight.

1 comment:

thanks for the comment! you're the best!!