15 February 2010

"i was airborn for more than five minutes. that's how i got the nickname 'Ross.'"

it's 9:35pm and i wanted to give you an update on my evening since i last talked to you. just so you're not on the edge of your seat wondering what went on in my life.

- i came home from work at 6:30pm
- ate some more homemade pad thai which i actually really enjoy and so does Ruby
- watched some Tally Hall Internet Show (T.H.I.S.) videos. i think i watched like, 4 of them. that's 40 minutes. my favorite one was the one where Zubin dies and his dying wish is for Joe, Rob and Andrew to kill Ross. but nobody knows why. so then they made a plan to kill Ross after deciding that it's the right thing to do. and then Ross is like, "wait, don't i get a dying wish?" and then nobody knows what to do... it was very funny. and i'm still in love with Joe. what a cutie.
- then i hung out some more on the internet
- and before i knew it, it was time for me to go back to work!

i don't know what i'm going to do now. possibly more T.H.I.S. why not?

oh! i know what else i did tonight. i wrote out those checks to the City of Lebanon to register my car. i included a "thank you!" note inside. i don't know why. i guess i figured that if i were actually going in to register the car, i would thank them for helping me. so, i thought since i am doing it by mail, i would include a note. i think it was the right thing to do.

i also filled out a survey for Geico. i recently signed up for their car insurance. and then they sent me a survey. they included a prepaid envelope to send it back in, so i thought, "eh, why not?"

and i made a pile of things to mail tomorrow. and then i have to go to the bank. and that's it! no plans.

OH! actually, i may be doing some belly casts tomorrow. but i'm not sure. i have to email the other Julie. don't let me forget.

i think i'll be able to go to bed early tonight. i'm pretty tired. at 8pm i thought about taking a nap for 45 minutes. but then i thought, "eh, with my faulty alarm phone i better not."

apparently we might get 3-7 inches of snow tomorrow. that'd be weird. we have pretty much no snow at all.

hey!! this weekend my mom and i could see people skiing down the mountain behind my house!!!!! it was awesome! when my dad was up we also saw people skiing down, but not from my house. we could actually see them! it was really cool.

it's a really pretty ski slope on saturday nights. because the whole mountain is all lit up with lights on the side, and then the big star at the top. it's so pretty!

i promise one of these days i'll get a good picture of the star. it's hard because i would just walk and do it, but i don't want to be a creeper taking pictures in front of people's houses. and i would go later, but then i have to work.

oh! i have more good news. there is a house in my neighborhood that leaves their porch light on all the time. there is someone there who returns from something around like, 2am. so the light is on for them. and just this past weekend, they switched to an energy saver light bulb! you can tell! i was very excited to see this.

hmmmmm. alright. i think maybe that's all.

my birthday is in 10 days.

ok. that's all for real.

Happy Future President's Day to me, a future president of the united states of america.

have a great ruby tuesday.


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