08 February 2010


i discovered these things today/recently:

1. the song '50 Ways to Leave Your Lover' by Paul Simon. loves it!
2. that the main guitar riff in 'Superstition' by Stevie Wonder isn't actually a guitar at all!! it's a clavinet! who knew?!
3. i really like the overly dramatic music of Joshua Radin. sorry, but it's true. the song, 'When You Find Me,' aw come on, it's pretty.

off topic but of nonetheless blogworthy:

4. Crash Kings say that if you follow them on Twitter they will guarantee you punch and pie. hey, it sounds like a pretty good deal to me. and they say they'll sort out logistics later. (if i were you, i would do it)

and now i'm stuffy, sneezy, scratchy, and feel like i'm getting sick. i think i'm going to use my Neti Pot in my spa-like bathroom and then go to sleep.

i've been waking up early lately. sunday it was 10:57am and i woke up and thought, "uuugggghhhhh too sunny." and today it was 11:35am.

anyways. ok. i'm going to bed. 1:52am. have great days!


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