09 February 2010

"if you're lonely you can talk to me"


Crash Kings posted a video yesterday of them covering a Beatles song. i know - it sounds crazy, right?

WELL. i watched the video and the only thing 'crazy' about it is that it's CRAZY good. like, really good. (duh, what else would you expect from Crash Kings?!)

i tried to post the video right in this blog, but that never seems to work. so, i'll have to give you a link...

Crash Kings cover 'HEY BULLDOG'

i think it rocks. it's actually a music video. like, a real one. the guys are all acting hott and being funny. all while rocking, of course. the best part is when Tony rocks out on the air piano.

great song.


i finished the show Tell Me You Love Me this afternoon. so good. and after i finished it i discovered that there is only 1 season! and then it got canceled. i am sad about that and don't really understand why. because, i really liked it. really good characters.

but, i guess the last episode was an okay ending to the series. vague, but hopeful.

tonight i think i'm going to watch New York, I Love You. it's an instant watch on Netflix. and i want to see it.

so, my bathroom feels empty since i turned it into a spa-like retreat. there's no more clutter! i mean, i like it and everything. it just feels bare. but i looooooove the orange bathmat.

i decided i REALLY like orange. it's actually a really great color. and i feel it's underappreciated. at least it has been by me. but not anymore. i will try and integrate more orange into my life. starting with my bathroom accessories and my still-to-be-finished scarf.

i haven't finished the scarf because i decided i don't really like it. it's too stiff, or something. and i think it's too wide. and i wish it was softer. and more delicate looking.

i don't know. i guess i should finish it just to finish it. but i might have to create another one to be fully satisfied.

Ruby is sleeping on top of the cabinets right now. it must be warm up there because of the heater. same reason why she likes to sit in the window.

last night (or maybe it was this morning....) i thought the ceiling in my bedroom was going to cave in. i was laying in bed and then all of a sudden i heard this loud "cracking" sound. like, something was splitting. like, a piece of wood. or a wall, or something. and i thought, "oh crap that can't be good." but then nothing happened. the ceiling hasn't caved in yet. the bed hasn't fallen through the floor yet. so i guess i'm okay for now. but it was weird.

i'm hungry. i think i might eat supper now. it's early. 10:35pm. i feel like usually i don't sit down and have supper until like, 1am. i mean, it's not like i'm doing anything of dire importance. usually either blogging or wasting time. procrastinating supper, that's what i'm doing. because i procrastinate everything in my life. hooray!

i got a thing in the mail the other day from the City Clerk's office. i had no idea what it was. and for some reason i kept thinking, "i hope they're not kicking me out..." like, of the city. can people be kicked out of cities? i don't know. but that's what i was worried about. and then i thought, "or maybe they owe me money!!" and then i got excited because i thought they might be sending me a check!!!! kind of like a, "thanks for being an awesome citizen! here's your reward!!!"

but, i opened it and it was a letter reminding me to register my car this month. BORING. and they were telling me how much money THEY want from ME. definitely not as cool as a 'good citizen reward check.'

$40 to the city
$73 to the NH dept of motor vehicles

CRAP. how much CRAP is that?! i swear it used to cost me like, $70 total to register my car in Maine.

OH! i remember what i wanted to tell you.

there was a scene in Tell Me You Love Me today that took place in a gas station convenience store, and i saw it and thought, "wow, that's awesome." and then i thought about it some more...

how great are gas station convenience stores? they're like, way better than normal stores. i can't quite figure out why. i think it's like, "hey, i'm getting gas, and now i'm going to go get a hot beverage! or a snack!" how fun is that!? and they always have a really odd selection of hot food. like, hot dogs. hamburgers. some have a soup selection.

but isn't going into buy something from a gas station convenience store so much fun?? and if you're with someone else you can be like, "hey, while you're pumping gas, i'm going in to get a snack!" now that's TWO things accomplished! gas and snack time!

it's just so great. and now i want to write a short story that is set in a gas station convenience store.

someone should start a website about convenience stores at gas stations. like, where are the best ones in the country. just how convenient are they? clean bathrooms? extra features such as Dunkin Donuts, Tim Horton's or Subway?

it could be useful. and it would be in the travel section at the bookstore. the perfect roadtrip companion!

oh wait, i said 'website.' well, there could also be one in book form.

i think it's awesome. i want to write it. anybody in? i feel like there should be a group of people doing this. not just one or two.

AWESOME. oh, i love this idea. how fun!?!?!? a group of people, traveling around together in a bus or van, hunting down each awesome gas station convenience store.

i wonder where this fits into my life plan. maybe just before 'security guard for major hollywood studio lot.' (oh yes, mr. scorsese, come right through!)


ok. now i think i'm gonna go. eat supper. now it's almost 11pm. Ruby is still sleeping on top of the cabinets.

hey - don't forget to watch that video! Crash Kings cover The Beatles! there's a great shot of Tony's tattoo. you can really see the blue on his hand.

ok. have great days! great WEDNESDAYS!!!!! my second favorite day of the week!!!! (after Ruby Tuesday, of course)

take care. be well.



  1. good cover of the song, but what's the deal with the last 2 minutes of silence? huh? eh?


thanks for the comment! you're the best!!