14 October 2009


that's right! the internet is up and working again. i'm lounged on my couch, in my freezing living room, typing this. listening to baby lullabyes through the baby monitor. i've got 30-45 minutes before i have to be up and working again.

currently 12:30am. wednesday night/thursday morning.

last night i actually got a few hours of sleep while it was still dark out. i went to sleep after i posted that last entry. i think it was around 2:30am. woke up at 4am. went back to sleep at 5am. woke up at 7am. went back to sleep at 8am. slept until 1:30pm. that was nice.

i meant to go to the post office between the time i woke up and the time i had to start work. but i just didn't. i had cereal instead.

so, i was hanging around from 1:30-3:30pm. then went to work.

OH busy busy night. the mother of our two baby girls needed to go out for a few hours tonight, right in the middle of supper, bathtime, and bedtime. this meant that staff had to care for her babies.

i started feeding the 18 month old. she was eating some chicken noodle soup - mainly the noodles. she ate some at first, then she didn't want any more. but, she needed to eat more. so we played peek a boo for a while. then talked about the fish on her cup and what colors they were. and then i said, "okay, four more bites!" and i fed her. i think i actually got in like, probably 8 bites. she didn't even know.

then i cleaned up her tray and wiped her hands and face. then we went and sat in the living room. i sat down in the rocking chair and she brought over a book and said,

TODDLER: Here you go.
JULIE: Oh, thanks!
TODDLER: Sit on lap, please?
JULIE: Sure!

so, i brought her up to my lap and read her the book. once the book was over, she got down, went and got another book, "sit on lap, please?", and we read another book. this continued for about half an hour. we read a lot of books.

and then her 7 month old sister woke up and we decided it was bathtime. so, me and our intern brought them into the bathroom and gave them a bath. it was exciting. they had lots of toys. lots of rubber ducks. and they loved splashing. it was so cute.

then, we got their pjs on and went into the living room again. we turned off the lights and put on a Winnie the Pooh movie. (it's the one where Rabbit ruins Easter for Roo. but then something happens and they have a big happy easter egg hunt. i've seen it like, 8 times in the past week.)

so, i climbed into the recliner and the little girl stood in front of me. "sit on lap, please?" um, duh. so, i brought her up to sit on my lap and wrapped us in a blanket. and we cuddled until she was ready to be put in her crib.

it was awesome. she is such a sweetie.

but, it was a crazy night.

i came home at 10pm. by 10:13 i was back at work. until 11:20. then i came home again. quickly got into my pajamas. quickly made something to eat. by now it's midnight. then i got all ready. sat on my couch. watched an episode of Jonas and ate.

allllllll week without internet i have just wanted to watch Jonas. oh, so good. tonight Kevin, Joe and Nick auditioned to be in The Three Musketeers at their school. and they all got the parts because the drama teacher is the teacher who loves The Jonas Brothers. she's hilarious in the 'Detention' episode. but then Joe gets too nervous and can't perform UNTIL he realizes that his love interest in the play is the girl who he has a crush on in real life. then he runs to the stage during the performance and steals the kiss (on the cheek because it's Disney). it was cute.

best quote from the show:

KEVIN, JOE, NICK: All for one, and one for all!!!
KEVIN: And a leather pouch for my turkey leg!!

it makes no sense out of context, but i laughed really hard. it was a good episode.

so, LAST night (tuesday night) was also crazy. i worked until 10:30pm. came home. had to go back down to work at 10:45 and stayed there until 12:30. UGH. i was so tired and hungry.

then at 12:30 i started to do some things around the house that i needed to do. then i ate a bowl of cereal for supper. then i started phone-blogging and then i had to go back to work.

one more 3:30-10pm shift and then i have a day off. i'm not working friday between 8am and 10pm, so that makes me very happy. then i'm working both weekend days. yikes.

i can't wait to tell you all about our time in the hospital last weekend. i'm going to do a good update, i promise. i'm so happy i have internet back.

and i have to go to the post office. hopefully thursday afternoon before work i will have time.

after our next feeding i'm going to bed. he'll have to eat within the next 15 minutes because that will be 3 hours. hopefully i'll back back home by 2:15am. all ready and in bed by 2:45am. and then up again around 5:30am. or so.

i think i just heard a little whimper.

he's waking up for food. and i am sneezing and stuffy.

awww baby sneeze!

ok. i have to go. baby time. i'll talk to you all thursday sometime.

i'll try to get better about blogging during this new baby time. it's just that, sometimes i can't even find time to sit down and eat. i'll try harder. love you all.




  1. can't wait to learn more about all these new babies! you're such a great care-taker!

  2. Welcome back to the land of the internet, Julie!


thanks for the comment! you're the best!!