13 September 2009

pull the covers off!!!

ok, so in high school me and my two best friends Maria and Brittany were in talks to start this cover band. we would be called Squeaky Hindu and the Rainbow Fish and our first cd would be called 'Pull the Covers Off.'

which is the perfect opening for my COVER SONG BLOG POST that you all have been waiting so patiently for. thanks for waiting.

ok, let's just get started!!! i will post the title of the ORIGINAL SONG IN CAPS and then the cover song version below it. with links to all!!!!

let's get going!!!

USE SOMEBODY - Kings of Leon
- Paramore's version
- Lynzie and Rich G.'s version

BATTLEFIELD - Jordan Sparks
- DaViglio's version

JESUS, ETC. - Wilco
- Chris and Aliya's version

WEST COAST - Coconut Records
- PoojasMusic version

GEORGIA - Hanson
- SarEliz0103's version

- Tuttiline's version

- Hayley Legg's version

CALIFORNIA - Phantom Planet
- StupidLyss's version

BURNIN' UP - The Jonas Brothers
- The Veronica's version

wow! look at all that great music! feel free to pick and choose which ones you listen to. the only covers being performed by real bands are Paramore's cover and The Veronica's cover. i really tried to find some raw youtube talent.

and, i feel good about myself for promoting some new talent! just normal, ordinary folk like you and me, using youtube as their creative outlet. i think it's really cool. i really give credit to anyone who can do that. i don't think i could. it takes a lot of guts to put yourself out there like that. to be judged. some people are harsh.

here's what i say: it doesn't matter if you suck or if you're awesome - just the fact that you're putting yourself online like that is great.

i strongly recommened the Hanson cover - i wish it was longer. and the JoBros cover. and the Coconut Records cover, which i have posted before. the cover of Phantom Planet is good and it's really pretty, but i think it's kind of long. but, it's my favorite cover out there.

ok! enjoy those. i have enjoyed sharing them with you.

grocery shopping went fine. the store was pretty empty, which made it easier. the girls were really helpful and i think we had fun.

but, omg, i just had a freaking heart attack. so, i hear all this running upstairs. and then someone comes speeding down the staircase yelling, "julie! julie! julie!" and i'm sitting here in the office thinking, "omg there's an emergency. stay calm. you can get through it." and she runs into the office, all out of breath and says, "i left my mp3 player in the car!!! is the van unlocked?!?!"

"yes." i said. and then she runs out the door.

omg. i had to take a minute and catch my breath. i seriously almost started crying. i was so, so worried that something was wrong. holy crap. i was scared. yeah, almost cried. i don't know if it was from relief, or from nerves. but, for those few seconds, i was in a panic.

geeze. these girls, i tell ya. they are cr-azy. never a dull moment, i'll tell ya that.

ok. i've got some chores to check. kitchen. bathroom. bedroom. make sure they've gotten done.

3:06pm. one more hour! day went by pretty quickly. pretty easy breezy. except for that tiny rough patch in the middle.

alright, i'll talk to you later. i'm going to go get some sandwich stuff after work. and then come home, probably make a sandwich. take my nap!! then, back to work. 10pm - 9am. hip hip hooray.

ookkaayy. have a great evening. wanna tell me something? anything? is there anything you want me to know?? you can tell me anything.

oh! tell me what you do. don't forget. please?!

ok. gotta go. bye!!!!


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