19 September 2009


sorry. i couldn't even wait for the blog. i had to post that in the title. i just love that greeting so much. and i got so excited. i couldn't wait.

wow! what a day. whatta day whatta day. what a day.

- got into bed at 3:45am
- still awake at 4am
- still awake at 4:30am
- woke up at 6:50am
- downstairs. woke up the resident with the two babies.
- upstairs. back to bed by 7:15am.
- still awake at 7:30am
- still awake at 7:45am
- alarm goes off at 7:45am
- up. wash hair. get dressed.
- down to work by 8:10am
- drove mother and two babies to vermont. about 35 miles away.
- there for five minutes.
- drove back home with mother.
- arrived back home at 10am
- back in bed by 10:25am
- still awake at 10:45am
- woke up at 12:40pm with phone call from Matt
- made plans with him for around 5pm
- back to bed. fell right to sleep.
- alarm goes off at 1:45pm
- snooze for 10.
- alarm goes off at 1:55pm
- snooze for 10.
- alarm goes off at 2:05pm
- snooze for 10.
- (this goes on for an hour)
- get a text message from kara at 3pm
- text her back
- kara calls
- talk to kara on the phone.
- 3:45pm get out of bed
- have grapenuts and vanilla soy milk for breakfast with a cup of coffee. delish.
- tidy up the apartment a bit. wash the counters.
- get dressed and ready
- Matt calls at 5pm. we plan to meet up for dinner.
- 5:25pm leave the house. go to ATM. meet Matt and his army buddies for dinner at Chili's.
- wow! it's so great to see Matt!!! i hadn't seen him since last thanksgiving.
- had a lot of fun. very awesome catching up. meeting his friend Scott. i think. who doesn't like onions.
- left Chili's at 8:15ish
- stopped at Irving for gas on the way home. paid $2.52.
- came home. Ruby Tuesday had pulled the window curtain down.
- hung around.
- went down to check in with Courtney at 9:15pm. hung out with the girls until 9:50pm. then with Courtney. it's so nice to talk to her. i like that we are friends.
- back upstairs by 10:15pm. Ruby had her supper.
- did some other stuff. can't remember.
- said, "okay, i will be in bed tonight by 2am."
- put on The Prince and Me at 11:40pm.
- made raspberry hot cocoa.
- stopped the movie so i could go to bed.
- decided i wanted to waste time online and blog.
- currently it's 2:44am.
- i did not make it in bed by 2am.

WOW. that's my day in list-form. that might just get the award for most boring, most unattractive post ever. i heart paragraphs.

there were no previews on The Prince and Me. that made me upset. i have it on VHS. usually VHS tapes always have previews. i hadn't watched that movie in a long time.

OH! i know what i did online for a long time tonight. OLDNAVY.COM. yeah, i have a cart-full of items that i will probably never buy. i've been doing this thing recently where i go through their entire SALE section online and put everything in "my cart" that i want. and then look at the end to see how much money i would spend if i actually bought everything. is that sad? i guess it sounds kind of pathetic. but, it's fun.

AND, they have plaid shirtdresses. oh wait, i think i already told you that. BUT, they also have these great boots. i've been looking on all these different websites lately for boots. like, tall boots.

to wear tall boots over leggings with a dress

yep. that's my goal. i am only partly ashamed of sharing it with you.

i also want to own both of the Coconut Records CDs in actual cd form. i want to hold them in my hand. also, there are bonus tracks on the cd that i want. and they come with a free sticker, free postcard, and free poster. free Jason poster? mmm delish.

i'm not putting that as a goal, though.

i would like to be able to buy a Coconut Records CD from a Coconut Records CONCERT. but, i don't think there will ever be any Coconut Records concerts. hey, a girl can dream.

so, i'm going home tomorrow. today. Sunday. the 20th. OMG Heroes premieres tomorrow night!!! AAAHH! the Emmys are tonight! Bored to Death premieres tonight!!!! WOW, so much happening. Grey's is this week too. yikes. how am i going to keep up with all my tv shows as well as all my Netflix?? it's going to be a challenge.

anyways. just letting you know i'm going home. so, there might not be another update before monday night. or, tuesday morning.

i'm excited for my drive home because i made a totally rad playlist. it's 3 hours long. 54 great songs. i titled the playlist, 'i think the food is haunted' which is a quote from one of my favorite Phantom Planet blog videos.

AAHHHH!!!! and i just watched the blog video (which you should too) to make sure i got that quote right (checkin' my sources..) AND AND AND, ALEX does my favorite greeting!!!! which i totally did not remember! he says, "oh hello jeff, i didn't see you there." it's awesome. and it's a funny video.

how come every band in the world doesn't make blog videos??

dear every band in the whole world,

blog videos. it's what the people want.

love, julie

for realz. and, like with the Phantom Planet and Rooney blog vidoes, they never stop being funny. never. even if i know what's going to happen.

just like how every time i watch A Little Princess i cry - every time i watch a PP or Rooney blog vid i laugh. they are just full of attractive, hip men being witty and funny and sometimes singing songs. and, that's really all i want in my life.

ALRIGHT. i think it's time for bed now.

HERE IS MY PROBLEM - the longer i stay awake, the more awake i become. until there is a crossing point, and then i am dead tired.

anyways. i will stop boring you with my lame sleep schedule stories. i am driving home in the morning. hopefully leaving here by 10am. i have to stop by Hollywood Video. see my non-ABBA singing boyfriend and return those flicks. probs get a coffee. then head home while jamming out to my mix.

i think i used the word 'rad' in this entry. i used that word in a sentence today when i was discussing something with myself. and i thought, "hm, i liked that." so, i'll be trying to use it in my daily speak.

that sentence sounded funny.

okay bud. time for me to hit the bed. i was soooooo comfortable in my bed last night. i just was not tired at all.

but, when i got back into bed this morning after 10am, i couldn't relax. my body was so tense. and i was having a hard time breathing. and, i have been having a hard time breathing all day. but, this morning i read the side effects of my inhaler med and it said, "restlessness, sleeplessness" and i decided that maybe i should limit myself. i usually take it right before i go to bed, or else i most likely will wake up in the night and have to take it.

i don't know. i'm feeling tired and i should embrace this feeling and go to bed. which, i am going to do right now.

alright. have a great sunday. tomorrow is monday! another week of possibility begins!!! i kind of hate it when i say that. it sounds so dorky and cheesy. but, i keep saying it.

okay. have good days. have a good breakfast. or lunch or dinner. i hope the weather is good where you are. drive safe. be cool. stay rad. !!!

stay rad, ponyboy.

that's what he should have said.


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