07 September 2009

oh she seemed much happier then

it's me. just doing a quick blog.

been doing nothing today. it's labor day. i have been doing no laboring. nada. haven't done a thing. it's the american way. it's the beauty of a day off. i didn't have to wake up early this morning for work.

i went to bed around 2am. woke up at 6:15. i thought i heard the house alarm. but, i didn't. went back to sleep. Miss Tuesday woke me up at 11:45 for her breakfast. fed her. she was very happy. went back to sleep. woke up at 1:15pm. i said to myself, "that was a nice sleep." and i got up.

still not feeling well. stuffy. watery eyes. achy and tired. had a bit of a sore throat. tiny cough.

i'm about to have some tea and get back into bed. probably with my Hemingway. i haven't read it since last week.

i think it's cool out today. that's the feeling i get. i put a second fleece blanket on my bed last night.

it's tough, because i'm super hott when i first get into bed. the air conditioner in my bedroom isn't very powerful. so, it's always really hott at nighttime. and then always super cold in the morning.

i'm just excited for fall. i'm sick of being hott. it's time to wear jackets. i will miss wearing flip flops though. flippies.

i listened to all my lullaby music. Rockabye Baby! this was last night. i forgot how nice it was. and Ruby came into the room and snuggled up in the couch with me and fell asleep under the cushions.

i think she enjoys audio and visual stimulation. there have been a few times where she's come into the room and watched a movie with me. either on my lap, or sat on the floor in front of the tv. it's like, really cute.

she watched pretty much all of Coraline with me. she tried to watch The Princess Diaries with me, but i was laughing too much and she was on my lap and she kept getting mad that i was laughing. and then, i think she watched part of Riding in Cars with Boys with me. i randomly watched that last week.

i had this dream the other night about starting a movie theater that played only tv shows.

because, in my dream, i was really bummed that i couldn't watch the new HBO series Bored to Death starting 20 September at 9:30 because i don't have HBO. but then i heard about this movie theater that was going to be showing the episodes every week. and so i DID get to see it, because i just went to the movies. isn't that great?

so then i woke up and has this big idea to start a whole movie theater like that. and, it would show tons of tv shows, and you would buy a pass based on the show. like, you would come up and say, "Hi, how are you? I would like the 30 Rock pass." and then they would give you this credit card-like-object and you would swipe it every week when you come to watch 30 Rock. and it would be good for the whole season.

and you would not only get the benefit of watching your favorite tv shows on the big screen, but also be able to enjoy them in a room full of people who also love that show. A.K.A. - new friends.

i think it's a great idea. i don't know if it would end up being cheaper than someone just getting cable. but whatever.

but, you could also get more than one tv show. like, come up and say, "Hi, how are you? I would like to buy a pass for 30 Rock, Weeds, and Bored to Death." and then i would say, "wow! great selection! here is your pass."

and see, that person would be enjoying shows frm NBC, Showtime, and HBO. great! lucky them.

anyways. that's my idea. anyone who wants to fund my idea, please get in touch.

also, my horoscope told me today that i would receive a love letter in my email. and, that has not happened yet. so, could someone please get on that?

also, i have to send a tweet to Coconut Records and ask if i can throw my tote in the wash. i can't forget to do that.

also, i'm excited because tomorrow is payday. and i can once again be content knowing that i have money. and also i have to pay Kara back a lot.

and also, one of her roommates met Emma Watson this past weekend.

ok. have a good rest of labor day. i think everyone should go a take a nap. because, that is like the best thing. a nap in the afternoon. and then back to work tomorrow. for me too.

ok. bye. have a good day. take care and drink lots of water. so you don't catch my disease. because that would be lame and definitely not as great as the song.

ok. bed. i mean, bye. i'm going to bed.


1 comment:

  1. I think your TV-theater idea is awesome, and we would see each other at the 30 Rock showings. New Glee Wednesday night, which means Thursday on Hulu!


thanks for the comment! you're the best!!