11 September 2009

i love you, i love you, i love you, yes i do, but the words won't come


had that song stuck in my head for the better part of the night. great song. 'I Love You'. The Zombies.

so, i just finished watching Knocked Up. after being on the Birthing Pav today, i felt like watching it. is that weird? i don't know. we saw a tiny squinty baby wearing a little hat. he was the only baby in the nursery. there's really no nursery there because they strongly encourage the babies to be in the room with the mothers. but, they said the nurses are always there to take the babies, because they also encourage the mothers to sleep as much as they can.

it was a good tour. we got there at 3pm. and we thought we were going to be the only ones in the tour, but then this other family showed up. holy crap, they were the most beautiful family ever. it was a wife, husband, and toddler son. and this little boy was in his stroller, and he had on the most ADORABLE shoes. they were like boating shoes! but in baby size! and slip-on. i kept noticing them throughout the whole tour. and then tonight when i was talking with Courtney about it, she was like, "did you see that little boy's shoes?!" and then we talked about it some more. i was really happy that she also noticed them.

but, they were all so beautiful. the wife was this gorgeous pregnant woman. she was dressed so nicely. and her husband was so handsome. and they baby was gorgeous.

anyways. we walked around the Pav. it's pretty freaking nice. all the rooms are huge. and they all have pull out couches. and a tv and dvd player. for all those movies that you'll want to watch right after your baby is born. "oh, give the baby to the nurse, i want to get caught up on Lost."

the only thing that really bummed me out were the views from the windows. it was like, roof. from the whole Pav, it was just views of the room. which was pretty lame. and the way the whole place was decorated just could have been happier, i think. it basically just looked like every other section of the hospital, except with baby cries. and benches built into the walls incase people need to sit down in the hallway, if someone is laboring.

i had this image of walking onto the Birthing Pav and the walls are all yellow, with pink, blue and green furniture. and plush carpets. and stuffed animals. and decorations hanging from the ceiling. like, baby shower/birthday decorations. think of how many birthdays there are on that Pav!!! there was no lullaby music playing.

i should talk to them about their decor.

but, good tour. now we know where to go.

and, it made me want to watch Knocked Up.

and, i think i need to end my feud with Judd Apatow. because, i laughed a lot during that movie. it was funny. there didn't need to be as many swears. especially around the baby.

i totally did not remember that Jason Segal played one of his friends. he was the one who was in love with her older sister. he was super funny.

AND - i meant to tell you this before. and i meant to tell Kara. and i'll have to tell her again because she turned into a lame person who doesn't read my blog. BUT ANYWAYS - Seth Rogen WAS in Donnie Darko!!

i know, i know, i will explain a little.

so, kara was talking to her boyfriend and he told her that Seth Rogen played one of the mean kids in Donnie Darko. like, the second mean kid. because the first mean kid is played by Alex Greenwald (who is the singer for Phantom Planet). but, i didn't believe any of it.

UNTIL, i IMDB'd it, and saw that Seth Rogen IS the other mean kid. i couldn't believe it! now i have to watch that movie again.

but getting back to Knocked Up - i cried in the end. when she had the baby (spoiler?). it was just so happy! and then the lovely family montage set to the Loudon Wainwright song during the credits!! yeah, more tears.

but jeeze, he is such a jerk in that movie. Loudon Wainwright. plays her doctor who says he will definitely be there for the birth, but then he isn't. ugh i remember being so mad at that part when i first saw this movie.

but, you can't really hate him because he did the score for the movie and it's really awesome.

i actually didn't know he did the score until this time around watching it. but, i was happy. and then i liked Judd Apatow for asking Loudon Wainwright to do the score for this, and then giving him a part, and asking Jason Schwartzman to do the score for Funny People, and then giving him a part.

he can't really be that bad a guy, right? i mean, he's got those two beautiful daughters. nah, i think it's time for me to put all my hard Apatow feelings aside.

ok. this is the new me. the non-Judd Apatow hater me. i like it. it's refreshing. a weight has been lifted.

no, i'm kidding. there was no weight.

so tonight in the video store i was really happy because they kept playing advertisements for 17 Again. and the first time they did, i stood there and watched it. and i thought to myself, "um, why don't i own that movie?!" and now i'm kind of bothered that i can't watch it right now. um, totes loved that movie. if you haven't seen it - you should. i recommend it.

1. Zac Efron
2. Zac Efron wearing plaid shirts
3. awesome soundtrack
4. (zac efron?)

those are the reasons WHY you should see 17 Again. i don't know why i put 'why' in all caps. i can't remember the voice i was hearing in my head. like, when i wrote that line. not the voice in my head telling me what to write. but, as i'm reading silently as i'm writing. wait, what?

anyways. i decided (i think) that my fave Rooney song from their Calling the World record is 'What For.' yep. i said it. that's it. i don't know what it is about that song, but i totes love it. it's kind of different from their other songs. and it just feels very honest.

but also! today i was thinking and i thought, "since i've been listening to Rooney a lot lately, i can't believe i haven't gone and re-read my LJ entry from when i saw them a few years ago!"

and i was surprised by this, because usually when i want to recall some part of my life, i immediately go to either my blog or vintage livejournal. because - let's face it - i really don't leave anything out.

so, i found the entry where i saw them.

ok, first of all - i saw Ben Lee and Rooney FIVE DAYS after i saw Ben Kweller and The Hymns. second year of college was the year of concerts. and then we also saw Ben Folds that fall.

but anyways - i was SO EXCITED rereading the Rooney entry. holy crap. i forgot how freaking awesome that night was.

FIRST OF ALL, i forgot that was the night we saw The Rock filming a scene for The Game Plan in Boston! i had totally forgotten all about that experience, actually. but, now i remember it.

SECOND OF ALL, i TOTALLY have no memory of this intimate moment that i shared with Robert. and even after reading and rereading (and rereading again), i have no memory of this moment that i talk about. and, while i'm describing this moment, i say that i had totally forgotten about it until i was driving home and then FLIPPED OUT while i remembered.

so, it must have actually happened. but, it really must have been too amazing for my brain to hold onto. Robert Schwartzman blew my mind that night. i have no problem with that.

although, he was going by Robert Carmine then.

and also in the entry, i say that i recently read in Ben Lee's blog that he had had dinner with Robert and Jason for his birthday.

and! remember i just watched the Rooney video diary where Robert talked about Ben and Jason coming over for dinner to celebrate Ben's birthday. (which was yesterday, 11 september)

so, it's like a full circle. and we all know how much i love when things come full circle.

but i'm really bummed that i can't remember that moment. believe me, i've been trying all day to remember. and i've been trying HARD. it sounds awesome.

anyways. maybe i'll dream about it tonight. mmm yes please.

so tomorrow i have to go to the post office. Rudi y Cursi! i'm excited to see that movie. Gael and Diego back onscreen together at last!!!!! i don't think there will be any hott make out scenes in this one, though.

oh, i wanted to tell you about this weird morning i had.

so, the house alarm woke me up this morning. and i JUMPED out of bed to shut it off. and then i was like, "ok, i have to get ready for work." so, i start getting ready to go downstairs. and then i'm like, "wait a sec - what time is it?" and i looked at the clock and it was only 6:11am. and i still had like, half an hour to sleep.

so, i get back into bed and go back to sleep.

and then, the phone must have rung, because the next thing i remember is i'm answering the phone talking to a mother who has her baby in the daycare.

it was so strange. i hate when i don't remember hearing the phone, getting out of bed, or answering the phone. i always "wake up" when i'm talking on the phone. i don't know. that just bothers me that i do that.

also today, i walked past the microwave and had to stop and walk by a second time because i thought i saw someone reflected in the glass. but, it was just the way my pots were hanging next to my oven mits. made it look like a person was standing by the window. but, it could have been scary. if there had actually been a person there. or a ghost.

man i'm hott right now. it's been pretty cold here lately. and so my AC has been turning off sometimes, i think when the outside temp gets too cold. but man, it gets hott in here when it shuts off.

and my bedroom is still pretty hott. except in the mornings when it's freezing.

Ruby is laying on me right now. she just woke up from her nightly snooze. and then she ran out and over to me, jumped on my lap, and settled down there. she's a sweetheart.

the other night i was thinking about Ireland. and how awesome it was being there with my friends. and how awesome my friends are. and how much i miss living at school with them.

i had 3 AWESOME years of living in the mods.

YEAR 2: emily, jenny, maryam, rachel, gwen, me = MOD 27
YEAR 3: emily, jenny, merritt, david, ross, josh = MOD 61
YEAR 4: kerianne, elizabeth, aliya, joe, me = MOD 16

aw man. i miss them so much. did i tell you about the hampshire student i thought i saw at Wal-Mart? yeah. at the wal-mart up here. i walked by someone earlier this summer and i said, "i think he went to hampshire."

but, Ireland. yeah. what a great time we had.

anyways. my eyes are getting sleepy. i hope you had a nice end of the week. any fun plans for the weekend? not here. work on sunday. that's it.

ok! have a great day.

just stay close by, like all the time
cause either i bleed dry
or keep this thorn in my side
but i don't mind


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