01 August 2009

go and cut all my wires

yo yo you yo. hi!

so, it's saturday. technically it's sunday. back in new hampshire after some nice days at home for kara's birthday celebration week. we had a fun time.

wednesday - got home around noontime. relaxed on the porch. it was about 95 degrees. we enjoyed each other's company. then we had to drive over to Ogunquit and pick up kara's birthday cake from the bakery she works at, Bread and Roses. that was a quick trip. came home. admired the cake. got ready to go out again. the plan was to go see The Proposal and then have dinner. so, that's what we did.

we walked into the theater and there was a big poster for Julie and Julia, the new movie with Meryl Streep and Amy Adams. we immediately noticed this and i asked kara if she wanted to have a photo shoot. YES, OBVI. so, we walked over and she posed in front of Amy's face, making it look like Meryl and Kara were the stars of the movie. the pictures came out awesome. i wish i had one to show you. we also saw a preview for this movie. which was awesome. it looks great.

The Proposal was good. very funny. it was set in Alaska, but filmed in Rockport, Massachusetts. my mom was very excited about this because she recognized everything. i recognized some of it too. i heart rockport.

let me tell you about this cake that we had for dessert. it was a chocolate fudge cake, with raspberry mousse, and white chocolate buttercream frosting. UM, delish. even the frosting was good. and i am not a frosting person. my only complaint was that there was too much frosting. i had to scrape some off. but, the raspberry mousse was perfect. so light and cool and pink. it was a great cake. i highly recommend that everyone get their cakes from Bread and Roses.

after cake we watched some episodes of Weeds, season 4. i got it from netflix. we had watched season 3 last summer. season 4 is intense. that show definitely got more dramatic and less comedic as the seasons went on. still good though.

then, kara and i set up the living room for a Sister Sleepover. we put down lots and lots of blankets. that was fun. then we watched some episodes of Arrested Development. just what i wanted.

good birthday day.

thursday - slept in. didn't really have any plans. hung around for a little. then kara decided that she absolutely wanted to get her nose pierced TODAY. so, we got dressed. found the piercing place located in Rochester, New Hampshire. walked in. and kara GOT HER NOSE PIERCED. it looks so effing hott. for serious. she looks awesome. she got it on her left side, since her upper ear piercing is on the right side. she said it hurt really bad when they were doing it, but then it immediately stopped hurting. i went back into the room with her. the guys were really nice. it was pretty exciting. made me want to get a nose piercing for about 3 seconds. it would really be impractical because of my bad allergies.

then we got fancy coffee drinks to celebrate. drove home. snacked and lounged. and that was pretty much the day.

that night kara and i decided we wanted Burger King. so, we went out. got up to the drive through. oh man.

DRIVE THRU KID: Hey. Welcome to Burger King.
JULIE: Hi, can we have -
DRIVE THRU KID: Oh, we have a special tonight.
JULIE: Yeah?
DRIVE THRU KID: Yeah. You get a free sandwich if you give me a kiss.
JULIE: Is that right?
JULIE: Um, I think we'll pass. Thanks, though.
DRIVE THRU KID: Come on! You haven't even seen me yet!!
JULIE: ......Well, you haven't seen me either. (kara told me to say that)
DRIVE THRU KID: Yes I did! I saw you when you drove in!!!
JULIE: Oh. Well, I don't think so. Thanks anyways.

super awkward. kara and i were laughing hardcore. it was pretty funny. we didn't go through with the deal. haha. good times.

then we went home. watched some more Weeds. watched some more RD (arrested development).

kara and i straightened our hair and cut our bangs. kara kept saying she could hear piano music. so, i thought, 'hm, what can i do to encourage this?' so, i googled 'online piano' and then found the sheet music for 'California' by Phantom Planet. she realized immediately that it wasn't the piano music she had been hearing. but, it was super fun and i can't believe i went through 4 years of college without finding that online keyboard. it's so awesome. and i totally rocked 'California' for about 20 minutes. then we had another Sister Sleepover.

friday - woke up early. kara had set her alarm for 9:45. and i set mine for 9:46. so, at exactly 9:45 In the Aeroplane Over the Sea (neutral milk hotel) starts to play. then about one second after it finishes, West Coast (coconut records) starts to play. it was like a concert!! then, snooze for ten minutes. and then at exactly 9:55 and 9:56 the exactly same thing happens. it was great! such a nice way to wake up.

we were meeting our dad for a father/daughter day/birthday celebration.

we met him at the movie theater at noontime to go see Funny People. now, i was talking about going to see this NONSTOP because Jason Schwartzman composed the score. and there are THREE Coconut Records songs on the soundtrack. and even though i don't really care for those Judd Apatow movies or Adam Sandler, we went.

so, i really liked the movie. the music was so great!!! simple and breezy. i read some interview with Jason Schwartzman about what it was like to compose the score and he said something like, "i just had to imagine that the dialogue in the movie were the lyrics to the song, and it was easy." and i was like, "wow, that is so lovely."

there was one part in the score where it kind of reminded me of the opening music in Little Miss Sunshine. it started off very simple, and then more layers were added as the scene got deeper. if you have seen, or will be going to see Funny People, it was the music with the clap track. maybe about halfway through. and then i think again at the end. there's a bass drum too, i think.

but, it was a good movie. i decided after that i didn't think it was too long. it was a movie that didn't feel rushed, and i appreciated that. there was time in the film to capture some little moments that were nice. such as the beginning with some vintage Sandler. some moments with the little girls. 'Memory' from Cats.

but, keep in mind - it is a long movie. but there is nice Schwartzman throughout. keep an eye out for the plaid shirt and cardigan he wears in the end. that was when my heart melted.

and you won't see much of the clips in the trailer. which, i also appreciated. it was just really showcasing the actor's talent for improvisation. it was refreshing to be like, "oh, this is the scene from the trailer" and then have it be totally different. interesting, Apatow.

and i remember in the middle of the film that Jason Schwartzman and Jonah Hill were in I Heart Huckabees together.

overall great music in the movie. great live version of Jesus, Etc. by Wilco in the end.

and now i'm back with Ruby Tuesday. she was SO HAPPY to see me. she knocked down my window curtain and the hardware that kept it up. i brought back one of her favorite toys that we had left in Maine. she was happy to see it. aw, she's such a sweetie.

saturday was a good day. i needed to go to the video store and the grocery store. well, technically i only needed to go to the grocery store.

i rented this movie called The Last Word. with Winona Ryder and Wes Bentley. about a poet who writes people suicide notes. i thought it sounded pretty dark. and then i got to the counter and the girl said

GIRL CASHIER: Oh, I just think Winona Ryder is so pretty.
JULIE: Yeah, she's really pretty.
GIRL CASHIER: She always looks so great in everything.
JULIE: She does.
GIRL CASHIER: And then she had to go and steal those clothes!!
JULIE: I know! That was too bad.
GUY CASHIER: I think it's so weird that girls can just talk about how pretty other girls are. I've never heard a guy be like, "hey, that guy is so hott."
JULIE: Yeah, I guess that's true.
GIRL CASHIER: Well, I don't do it often. Winona Ryder is just so pretty.
JULIE: I didn't even recognize her in Star Trek, though. She had on all that old makeup.
GIRL CASHIER: She was in Star Trek?! I didn't see it.
JULIE: Yeah! She played (ohmygod i can't think of his name.....not sylar, not sylar, not sylar) Spock's mother.
JULIE: (to Guy Cashier) Did you see it?
GUY CASHIER: Yeah. I love Star Trek.

i left there in a good mood. as normal. i just have the best conversations in that Hollywood Video. they are the coolest workers. i think me and the Guy Cashier bonded over the Star Trek thing.

then i went grocery shopping. had another nice conversation with the three people bagging my groceries. just about regular things. nothing too notable.

then i saw the two hot air balloons i talked about earlier! they made me happy.

then i turned up Coconut Records and drove home on the road with the one lane bridge. i like that way a lot.

i thought about how i want to have a bridge named after me. and then i thought to myself, "well, once i am president of the academy of motion picture arts and sciences, then i will be worthy of a bridge." i don't know why i thought that. but i did. for realz.

and then i thought about something i have been thinking about a lot lately. i thought about becoming a lighthouse keeper. and i decided that this is something i want to do in my lifetime. i think it would be a beautiful and lonely job. that is my new goal. i wonder how many lighthouse keepers become president of "the academy?"

got home. unpacked the groceries. googled, "how to become a lighthouse keeper" and read about it for a long time. i read an article that said that there is only one lighthouse in the country that actually requires a keeper, and that is the one in Boston Harbour. then it said, "another way to ensure you will become a lighthouse keeper is to buy a lighthouse." so then i googled, "lighthouses for sale." turns out the United States Coast Guard is selling them for pretty cheap. pretty much all under $100,000. i guess they've become too expensive for the Coast Guard to maintain them all, so they are selling them.

i also found this beautiful lighthouse and a lighthouse keeper's house for sale in northern France. it was like, $1.1 million dollars. which is a little out of my price range. but still - to be a lighthouse keeper in france?? it just screams indie film. i could be the girl with the thick bangs and the dark rimmed glasses.

anyways. i'm gonna make it happen. lighthouse keeper. oh, it sounds so awesome.

then i took a bath. Ruby Tuesday jumped up in the window between the kitchen and the bathroom and i had to help her down twice. i said, "don't go up there if you can't get back down." but she didn't listen.

then i went to work.

ok, i love iTunes Genius. you know the Genius feather?? i mean, Genius feature. not feather. haha. i use it all the time. i wish i had a portable genius to take with me everywhere. and i could use it on everything.

i love how when i "genius" a song from a Wes Anderson movie, all the songs that come up in the playlist are songs from other Wes Anderson movies.

that's what i'm listening to now. i "geniused" The Rolling Stones 'I am Waiting' which is from Rushmore. and seriously, probably three quarters of the 75 song playlist are songs from Rushmore, Life Aquatic, Royal Tenenbaums, Darjeeling Limited and Bottle Rocket. and yes, i own all of those soundtracks.

and i can't wait for The Fantastic Mr. Fox. has everyone seen the trailer? looks pretty great.

"i don't have a bandit hat, but i modified this tube sock."

hm. what else, friends?

sunday i have no plans. sound familiar? yep. just like every other day. i really have to do some work on my drug education class. ugh and i am super dreading it. i rented Spun to maybe get me pumped. but, no. but Mickey Rourke really looks good in a white leather jacket and cowboy hat.

hey, wanna see some hott brothers?
it's Rooney (as "the coconuts") and Coconut Records in concert together. they're singing 'West Coast.' there's a sweet brotherly hug. and they totally kill on the song.

there was a Rooney twitter (or, "tweet") recently saying that they are planning a tour to Boston this fall. KARA AND I WILL BE THERE. if anyone else wants to come - you are welcome to come with. Rooney was one of the best concerts i've ever seen.

i've been thinking a lot about the concerts i've seen recently. i also thought about Guster. they were awesome too. they played with Phantom Planet. and The Format! they were awesome. and Zox! Ben Folds! Ben Lee and Ben Kweller together!!!! HANSON!!!!!!! man. concerts are a drug.

hm. i guess i'm getting sort of tired.

oh, i HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN about the Blog presents. don't worry!! i am still organizing them and once i am ready, i will post the entry about how to get them. calm down! you know i love you. you know you love me. xoxo.

OH. i know what i can tell you. i had to make a big decision today in the grocery store. cracker aisle. the Cheez-It sitch. you know where i'm going with this. they had the Sharp Cheddar and Parmesan kind. and they had the Zesty Queso and White Cheddar kind. but only the latter was of the Star Trek variety. and - i decided on the former. i just liked the Sharp Cheddar and Parmesan better. the Zesty Queso just didn't taste good on my tongue. and although it brought to mind some very attractive men, i couldn't do it. so, for now, at least, the Star Trek Cheez-It Phenomenon is paused. maybe they will start producing more boxes, i don't know. maybe in the early fall to get people excited about the dvd release.

i just checked my Genius playlist because i didn't recognize the song Rock and Roll by the Velvet Underground from any Wes Anderson movies. but, that's because it's from SLC Punk. another great one.

ok. i think i will have my tea now. i bought more vanilla red tea today. and i will enjoy a cup right now.

i have been killing tiny baby spiders on the wall behind my couch since last night. i have a feeling they were just born. it makes me feel bad killing them. but, they are spiders. and i don't want them in my house. if they were outside the house, fine. but inside? spiders should have their babies elsewhere. and this is in addition to the nightly earwig massacre.

what are those people who collect insects? entomologists? not collect them, but study them. that's what i meant. i should invite them into my home.

OKAY. hope you have a great rest of the weekend. did you do anything fun? have any good stories? not about the weekend, but about anything?? tell me something good!

i had a dream about someone last night and then awoke to see that they had left me a voicemail. isn't that strange? i thought that was curious.

alright. i'll talk to you a bit later. have lovely days!


1 comment:

  1. ugh jeez, how can you live with all those bugs in your house...thats disgusting! i may never visit you again


thanks for the comment! you're the best!!