27 August 2009

"the food was haunted"

alright, i'm calling upon you, the readers, to decide the course of my life.

- old man and the sea
- one hundred years of solitude

- freaks and geeks
- true blood

i will read and watch all of them eventually. but the question is: which one NEXT?

i've only got 2 more discs of Entourage before i have to wait for the next season to be released. and i only have a very little more to read of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close before i'm finished. i spent a lot of today reading. it was nice. except, too sunny. it was too bright.

i might try and pick both of the book sup. haha. book sup. books up. because i think the old man and the sea is quite short.

i think i have to go out tomorrow and pick up a mouse for my laptop. my clicker buttons have kind of stopped working. it's lame, bro.

(noticed how i used 'bro' there.)
(i don't think it worked...)

i checked the online library catalog for Lauren Conrad's book, L.A. Candy, but they didn't have it. or else, duh, i'd totes be reading that next.

man, i wish there was a book version of this totally rockin' playlist i made the other day. that'd be cool. to write a book based on a playlist. kind of like those books that people write based on albums. i can't remember any other information about it, or else i would give it to you. i know there is a book version of Neutral Milk Hotel's album In the Aeroplane Over the Sea.

ok, i decided that i needed to know or else it would bother me. it's the 33 1/3 book series. in case you're interested. anyone read any of those books?


kind of a boring day. i talked to my mom, which was nice. i left the house to go to the store. that wasn't so nice because i didn't really feel great. but, i needed more boxes of tissues. more lettuce and tomato. and more soy milk.

watched the first disc of season 5 of Entourage tonight. man. i love it. although, it's kind of sad that their big movie bombed. (spoiler) they had wanted to make it for soooo long!!! and they worked so hard!!!! and then it BOMBED at Cannes. i felt really bad for Vince.

but, so far, i don't really like Turtle or Drama this season. Turtle just wants to have sex all the time, and Drama is constantly drunk. i hope that changes.

i'm also excited because i think this is the season that Stellan Skarsgard has a guest spot. is that right!?!? OMG. such a hottie.

i should watch True Blood since his also hott son is on it.

i had a dream last night that i was invited to go to the premiere of The Reader. i woke up and was like, "um, a little late on this dream, but i'll take it." i have no idea why i had that dream. other than i found my copy of Entertainment Weekly with Kate and Leo on the cover. so, maybe i was subconsciously thinking about Kate.

maybe i'm in store for a Leo dream tonight. yes please.

anyone seen the new trailer for his new movie? it's a super teaser trailer. Inception. directed by Chris Nolan. looks pretty twisted. like, mind twisted.

i found a youtube video tonight of Alex from Phantom Planet singing with Rooney. great vid. it was a lucky find. and Robert Schwartzman intoduced him, and Alex came out onstage wearing his PacMan mask/hat thing that he wears sometimes. it made me really happy. and Robert and Alex hugged, which also made me really happy.

WELL. i'm kind of tired. i think i may try getting into bed. it's only 2:17 so the odds that i will fall asleep are slim. but, if not. at least i'll be warm in bed. omg, i woke up this morning because i was freezing! and then i couldn't get back to sleep because i was so cold. but, i was too tired to reach up and throw another blanket on. so, eventually i fell back to sleep. but, when i woke up my feet were like ice. even though Ruby Tuesday was sleeping under the covers right next to them.

would a book based on a playlist be a made up plot based on the song titles? or a plot woven together based on what the songs are about?

plan for friday:

- finish my book
- hit up the library for some new books
- maybe watch 10 things i hate about you

one Entourage Vince and Drama did a big performance of 'Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You' and it made me think of heath ledger in that movie. and then it made me think of Joseph Gordon Levitt and how he was in that movie, but didn't really look like heath ledger. and then how much he looks like him now.

i'll have to post about that. i promised elizabeth i'd do a JGL posting. i'll do that tomorrow. and i'll have pictures. and it will be called:

JOSEPH GORDON LEVITT: Through the Years.

just you wait. it will be epic.

i liked (500) days of summer. it was more whimsical that i thought it would be. i liked that. it was a semi-depressing movie without feeling depressing. the way the story was set up. the past and the present were knit together nicely.

(i used 'knit' because up above i had already used 'woven'.)

and! Matthew Gray Gubler was in it!!!! i didn't know he'd be in it. i saw his name in the opening credits and was like, "what?!?! intern #1 from The Life Aquatic?!?!!" and it was him!! he has this whole video diary thing on the dvd of the life aquatic. maybe it's only on the criterion collection version. i don't know. but, it's cool. and it was cool to see him in another.

AND! he was also in The Great Buck Howard. he had like, a one second part. and again i was like, "INTERN #1!!?!?!" loves it. loves those unpaid interns.

when me and Kara were in Ikea the other day we kept reenacting the parts from 500 days of Summer when they would go to Ikea and pretend it was their home. they'd be like, "honey! the sink is broken!!" it was funny, i guess. those parts were funny.

the music was also good. i liked that they had that french song that i have been a fan of for ssuucchh a long time. Quelqu'un M'a Dit. by Carla Bruni. the new first lady of france. that whole CD is good. when my dad went to france a few years ago, he brought the CD back for me. that was a long time ago, actually. that cd came out in 2002. i guess it was around then.

and i really liked the split screen part at the party. one side of the screen was REALITY and the other was IMAGINED or something like that. it was a great part.

and i really liked the end, too. it was a hopeful ending. which is sometimes nice. or, always. i'm not sure.

anyways. i'm going to bed now. it's about 2:40 in the am. friday morning. this week went by very fast. remember when it was monday?

alright! don't forget to vote in my book/tv show poll. i'll talk to you later. have a great day!!!


1 comment:

  1. I vote True Blood! I'm only one episode from being caught up. I haven't seen Freaks & Geeks, but I've been meaning to.


thanks for the comment! you're the best!!