05 May 2009

nothing is happening

it's all illusion. it's all confusion.

quiet night. for once. the first night where i don't have to be a police officer. the girls heard tonight that if they don't start shaping up and respecting curfew they will lose their home weekends.

like last night, i found two girls hanging out in one of their bedrooms. i asked one to leave. she refused. she wouldn't even acknowledge i was standing there. i gave her like, 5 chances to leave the room. she kept refusing. whatever.

so. the baby was good for me. she slept until her mother came to pick her up at 6:30. tomorrow i have her from 10-5. i think i told you that already. i'm kind of nervous. just because we're not used to each other yet. she's a sweetie.

so, my favorite ten-month old little girl is here tonight, and i went to her bedroom to say goodnight and to make sure her mom had the baby monitor on, and this little girl - omg - she's the best. her mom was just holding her, and she just started laughing! like, seriously laughing with the biggest smile! and her mom gave her a little stuffed animal to hold and she just loved it!! laughing and smiling. oh, it was the best. she's got the greatest laugh.

too bad though, her mom has the radio playing in her room and it's this hard core rock music. like the kind with the screaming and the guys with scary painted faces. that's what i imagine at least. and i've got to sleep with that too. great. i'm sure i'll have nice dreams.

not like my Ghosts of Girlfriends Past dream on monday night.

i finished my work for my medication certification class!!! the last few worksheets were tougher than the rest. they gave you scenerios and you had to write what you would do.

for example:
1. what would you do if someone was refusing to take their medications?
2. what would you do if you suspected a teen was addicted to her controlled medication after having knee surgery?

good stuff. i didn't know that they have the right to refuse their meds. i learned that tonight.

went to walgreens tonight to buy more conditioner. they had completely moved the Burt's Bees section so i had to ask where it was. good story, eh?

so, i'm thinking i'll plan on walking to the mailbox after i get off work at 8am. i have Footloose waiting for me, but the window won't be open yet. um, that's lame. the window should be open.


dear usps:

hire me! i'll work the late shift at the post office! say, 6pm until 9pm. that's it! you have to cater to the people who don't wake up until late afternoon/don't like to go out in the daytime.

love, julie

no, i wouldn't mind working in the post office. with all those nice people. there are two nice ladies and one nice man. and, if it was late like that, all the mail would be sorted. all i would have to do was window service. i bet they would do good business.

things for the post office to do:
1. hire night staff
2. reduce the rate of stamps to $0.00

that's all.

maybe i'll finish my curtain tomorrow when the baby is asleep. or, maybe i'll make some jewelery. or, watch a movie.

i bet the baby would like High School Musical 3. can't watch anything with bad language or violence. babies don't want to see or hear that. even if they can't understand it yet.

so, one of the girls asked me to read an essay they had written tonight. she is trying to get into this program called Job Corps next year. in Bangor, Maine. and she had written her applicant essay. i was happy she asked me to read it. i was actually really surprised with how well-written it was. i thought she did an excellent job. and she was very happy to hear that.

well. i think i'll head to bed soon. i decided today that there is nothing better than being in bed.

i also really wish i had a cat. i don't think i can live alone anymore. it's too sad. to come home and have nobody happy to see you.

i wouldn't get a cat before i got my allergies under control, though. i would definitely need something stronger. something not OTC. a prescription, controlled medication. (i'm using my new terms that i've learned) i also can't afford it right now.

i also wish i had a couch. i think it would make sitting down with a baby easier.

oh, i have a message for kara. KARA. today in staff meeting Randy was making a fruit salad for everybody, and he had some bananas and he peeled them from the bottom! just like you said is the right way. and he said his sister (i think) is a chef.

ok. i think that's all right now. i'm going to bed. have lovely wednesdays. week's half over.


let's focus on tomorrow, instead of right now.

1 comment:

  1. thank you for making my name big...it makes it so much easier for me to just read the parts about me.

    and your welcome for the tip about the banana. also when we stop at costa rica we'll be able to look like banana peeling pros!


thanks for the comment! you're the best!!