02 April 2009


overruled. sustained. i'll allow it.

i'm practicing my legal jargon for court. i've decided on the purple top. i had a fashion show tonight and i'm happy with the way it looks.

and i'm going to attempt to curl/wavy my hair with my straightener. i've watched many youtube "how-to" videos on the subject. i understand how to do it. and then i practiced for about an hour an a half tonight and all i got was straight hair. so, we'll see. maybe i'll photo-journal.

tonight at work kind of sucked. i spent almost three hours at the laundromat with two hyped up 16 year olds. it was exhausting. we washed every cloth item in the bedroom with the bed bugs. i told you a girl had bed bugs, right? yes. i believe i did. it cost $19 to wash and dry everything. i had to make a trip back to the house to get more money AND i had to use some of my own money. which, i will be reimbursed for.

basically, the trip to the laundromat involved me sitting and doing a lot of reading. and the girls acting crazy. they went to the pet shoppe. they went to the store. they could not sit still.

and then i had to go out again to fill the van with gas for tomorrow's trip. oh man i'm super nervous. Courtney had some calming reassuring words for me which was nice. i worked with her tonight.

and i've been listening to Hair tonight! because it opened on Broadway earlier this week! i really want to see it. and i actually recognized one of the names on the playbill! cool!!

OH i'm starting to feel nervous sick.

i've never been around a judge before. and i'm worried that i'll get into one of my "i hate people who think they have lots of power" moods.

especially because i basically hate the law. and judges are the highest in law. i'm REALLY going to hate standing. i think that might be the part i'm dreading the most.

OH NO. i can't start a revolution tomorrow. i have to stand for the judge.

maybe the judge will be Ray Fiennes in The Reader.

alright. i have to tell myself just to do what they say. and be respectful.

OH NO. i can't do this. i can't be sworn in. I DON'T WANT TO CONFORM. i hate this! I HATE RULES!!!

this is one of my downfalls. i can't be around people in powerful positions. oh no now i'm getting nervous. i have to just do it. put aside everything i'm feeling and just stand for the judge. swear to tell the whole truth.

OH MAN and we'll probably have to go through a security thing. oh geeze i really don't like those security guards.

i have to do it. i can totally be a bigger person than them. plus, i'll look waaay better. at least i don't have to wear some stupid black robe, judge. yeah! yeah. at least i'll look better.

alright. i'm going to try and sleep. i think i'll be up around 5:45. like, in 4 hours. great.


we starve - look
at one another,
short of breath,
walking proudly in our winter coats
wearing smells from laboratories
facing a dying nation
of moving paper fantasy
listening to the new told lies
with supreme vision of lonely tunes.

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