31 March 2009

ghost = guy

alright. this is going to be a scary post. that is your warning. actually, probably more scary for me than you. but oh well.

this is about the ghost family who lives next door to me. this is the big yellow house where i never see anybody inside, never see the car leave the driveway, never see any movement inside. but the lights are constantly on and off, the other day the porch furniture moved. this is also the house with the beautiful pink room at nighttime.

ok. let's continue.

so, last night, it was a little windy again and i was nervous. because of the shaking windows and the branches rubbing the side of the house, etc.

alright, so i watched this darling french movie called The Girl on the Bridge. afterwards, i hung out online for a little bit. and then just before 2:30am i decided it was time for bed. because i could barely stay away.

so, i stand up from my red chair and see that the garage light of the house next door is on. this kind of startles me, because i wasn't expecting it. it's even more weird because the entire rest of the house is pitch black.

i walk into the kitchen to put my dish in the sink. glance back at the garage light and it's still on. i turn to throw something in the trash. glance back at the light. OFF. the light has shut off during the one second i turned away. and the rest of the house is still totally dark.

so now i'm really creeped out. i don't know. something about that garage light just rubbed me the wrong way. and how it turned off so quickly after i got up.

and then it took me a while to get to sleep because i was all skeeved.

so, finally get to sleep. didn't really sleep well. woke up at 5:45 with a phone call. couldn't get back to sleep after that.

so now it's 6:45 i'm downstairs with the girls. had some nice hang-out time with them. and then kind of randomly one of them starts telling this story....

GIRL: OMG, so last night me and (new resident) were hanging out in her room, just like, talking about our different backgrounds and stuff and then we both happened to look out her window and the guy next door was standing in his window just STARING at us!! and then as soon as he saw us look at him the curtain moved and he was gone!!! It was so freaky.

AAAHAHHHH!!!!! so scared. after her story i told my scary light in the garage story. i don't think they thought it was scary. but, they don't know my whole theory about the ghost family and all.

so, something is up with the guy next door. was he also looking into my apartment from his garage last night? and then he saw me get up and quickly shut off his light? what is his deal? how come i never see him walking around his house?!

i was pretty freaked out all morning after hearing the other spooky story about the guy next door. i guess he's the "creep" in the neighborhood. there's this little beat up car in the driveway, but i never see it gone.

i also think it's odd that they have so much furniture on their porch which is clearly only a summer porch. if you aren't using your porch all winter, wouldn't you want to bring in all that furniture so it doesn't get ruined from the snow and melting??

and remember how i told you about when me and andrew went to the used furniture store and all the chairs looked like it was a ghost meeting the way they were lined up??

well that's kind of how the porch is. there are these two rocking chairs side by side positioned perfectly to look out the window onto the street. and the other day, it was one of these chairs that was turned to face a different direction.

so. that's the scaryness for the day. until probably nighttime again when i get spooked out by something else.

like, what was he doing in his garage at 2:30 in the morning? and why weren't there any other lights on?? not even the pink room.

ok. enough about the ghost man and his creeper house. i have to get ready for work. turns out we didn't have staff meeting today because some people had to go to court.

so, now i'm just working from 3:30-10. and from 3:30-6 i'll be working by myself! scary! all those girls and just one me. pff i can totes handle it.

i'll write more later. i just wanted to tell you about this.

have good nights!!


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