08 August 2011

cause either i bleed dry or keep this thorn in my side

Here are all the things we have to talk about today:

1. the gaga six
2. jordan
3. floorset
4. impromptu high school reunion

In that order??? Ummm...... yeah. That order works for me. Ok, let's go!!


If you read my Twitter updates or Facebook status updates, you may have seen the other night when I used the hashtag (#hashtag), #thegagasix. You may have been wondering what this meant! Actually, I'm sure you were all on the edge of your seats waiting for an explanation!!

So, we all know that I like creating competitions for myself to complete, yes? Yes. Which is strange because I hate competition. Unless it's against myself, I guess. Anyways, I came up with this challenge for myself while I'm at the gym on the elliptical and I call this challenge, The Gaga Six.

The rules of The Gaga Six are that whenever a Lady Gaga song comes onto my iPod mix, I put the level up to number six. Normally, I stay at a five. (DON'T JUDGE ME ON MY ELLIPTICAL LEVELS.) So, for that little bit of Gaga, I go the extra mile. It always gets me going.

And even last night, a Gaga song came on right before I started my 5-minute cool down, and I KEPT the level at number six until the song was over. Like, three minutes into the cool down. How hardcore is THAT?!?? Yeah. I know. You are all totally impressed with my determination.

Anyways, it's a really fun game to play while you're working out. There's a little bit of mystery, because you never know when you'll have to play The Gaga Six. TRY IT!!!!

I guess it could work for anything, really. Whenever you're doing anything and a Lady Gaga song comes on, just go the extra mile. Drive a little safer, clean a little cleaner, cook a little better, sleep a little harder. Although, I don't know why you'd be listening to Lady Gaga while you're sleeping. Unless it's lullaby versions of Gaga songs, which I don't know if they exist. I'll find out right now.

Yep. Fantastic.

Also, I'm really digging the lullaby version of 'Hey, Soul Sister.'

Anyways! That's The Gaga Six.


I like to think he's my new BFF. Jordan works in the computer department at the Best Buy. He's maybe the best sales associate/person you'll ever run into. He just started working at Best Buy and doesn't even have the right color blue shirt yet! But, he's a great guy. Super nice. Super funny. And he says, "cool beans" all the time, which is awesome. So, when Kara and I were talking with Jordan the other weekend at Best Buy, I finally asked:

JULIE: Have you seen the movie Hot Rod?
JULIE AND KARA: Ok, you HAVE to see it! There's this whole part where all they say is 'cool beans.' It's awesome.
JORDAN: That's awesome. I'll try and get it on Netflix.

And then! We were back in Best Buy a few weeks later and ran into Jordan and he remembered us and said,

JORDAN: Hey!! I still haven't seen Hot Rod yet!!

It was pretty great. But then in a horrible turn of events, Jordan ended up being busy with another customer and Kara had to buy her new laptop from another guy. Not Jordan, as we like to call him.

But Jordan is just so great. So last night I emailed the store manager at Best Buy and told him how much we appreciated Jordan's help and general awesome-ness. True story!

Jordan - you have a fan club!!


Today was my first day at work working on the FLOORSET TEAM. It's a big deal. Well, maybe not really. But, it's exciting that they asked me to be on the team. I think because Jen (who is kind of the floorset leader) knows how much I love doing projects and having something to work on. So, I really appreciated that she noticed that and then asked me about floorset.

So - today was great! I dressed the mannequins! And people loved the clothes so much they started buying them right away!! Even though they technically weren't for sale yet!!!! I mean, yes, I had to follow the floorset book to know what to put on the mannequins... but still. I'm sure the awesome and trendiness of the mannequin dresser shown through and made the people want to spend their money.

I also cut up signs! With an exacto knife!!! It was a messy job. It was, actually, because all the little shavings of plastic/cardboard got everywhere.

I also took down the wall hardware!! Jen would say, "Strip the wall!" And I would do it! It's powerful moving shelves.

Then she had me go into the basement to get some sweaters. Now, the door to the basement is locked and sometimes alarmed. So, she gave me her keys. And then I somehow set off the alarm in the whole store!!! Yep! That was me!! I don't know what happened. One wrong turn of the key and BAM. Hello, loudest alarm ever! Ah, well. It all ended well. Like everything does? Hopefully.

I'm excited for more floorset tomorrow. I really like having projects and tasks to do all day. Have I mentioned how much I love busy work? And waiting in lines. Untying knots. Threading needles. Apparently because I am the most boring person alive. Yes!


Wow, already at number 4!

So, I have been experiencing an impromptu high school reunion over the past two days! Saturday night I was in Targs and ran into Mark Anderson! This was special because Mark is a loyal Facebook blog reader. Hi Mark!!! (He's probably reading right now.) This encounter made me happy because remember how I was talking about having a blog get together!?!!??! IT WAS KIND OF LIKE THAT. Only, I would hope that if I ever have a real blog get together, it wouldn't take place in Target.

And then the next day in Target (yeah, I go there a lot...) I ran into Eric Guilmette! We "went out" from third through fifth grade. Oh yeah. Big time. And then!!! I also ran into Grace Shaw!!!! Who is simply a lovely person. She actually works at Targs, and said that she had also seen Eric Shields not too long ago. CRAZY. How's that for a great reunion?! All those people over the course of two days! Awesome.

It probably a fact that the Noble High Class of 2004 is the most coolest class ever. Yeah. That's probably written in stone somewhere.

Good people. I'm glad I know them.

Well! That brings us to the end. For now, at least. I have to go take a shower and make my lunch for tomorrow. But probably in the reverse order.

I've been having a really hard time sleeping lately. Last night I didn't fall asleep until like, 3:30am. I just couldn't calm down, or something. Well, yeah. And the two nights before that have been the same. I need new pillows and a new bed. I blame that.

Alright! I hope all you all are having a good week so far! I realize it's only Monday. I think it's gonna be a good week. Yes. Yes I think that. I have a feeling. So, let's make it great!


Talk soon!!!!

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