13 June 2011


Loving this song, Hometown Glory, by Adele.

'round my hometown
the people i've met
are the wonders of my world

love it.

So, I woke up at 10am this morning. Or rather, Ruby Tuesday woke me up by scratching at my door and also scratching me in the face, as is our normal wake-up routine. Awwwww but she's so sweet! So, I'm up. I slept for like, ten hours so I guess I shouldn't complain.

Weekend was good. I hope everyone else had a great weekend too!!! All day Friday I kept thinking it was Sunday or Monday. It was actually really confusing. Friday at work I didn't have a good day. I wasn't in a great mood Friday.

I had a bad morning commute. After writing all those mean things about Route 236, I figured that it would be smooth sailing here on out. Like, I just had to put all those bad things out into the Universe and then I wouldn't hate it anymore.

NOPE. I still want to murder that road. I'm sorry, all you people in the Route 236 fan club, but I just do not agree. I always have a bad experience on that road. Even when I'm having a great morning and am totally on time and not running late - I'll get stuck behind a fleet of giant cement trucks going 30mph. Yes, that's right. A FLEET OF GIANT CEMENT TRUCKS.

Whatevs. That road just sets the tone for my day, and Friday it was not a good tone. So, work was crappy. But then I got home and my SHOES were in the mailbox! Remember how I bought those shoes online but they were too big and so I had to do a mail order exchange for a smaller size but I had absolutely no faith whatsoever in it working out?!?!?! WELL IT WORKED OUT. And I got the smaller size in the mail on Friday! And although, still a little big, they fit much better. And now I'm wearing the smallest size they make, so it'll have to do.

And I said as I was opening my new shoes,

JULIE: Thank you for arriving on this bad day.

And from then on, the day literally kept getting better. Hung out with my mom a little bit, updated my Facebook blog, ate a sandwich. Sandwiches are usually something that always make my day better. And then Friday night I hung out at a lake with my ol' friend Keith. Not Murdock Lake, mind you, it was a different lake. But I fully intend on exploring this new lake via canoe ASAP.

So, sometimes it's something frivolous like a pair of shoes to make your day better, and sometimes it's something more meaningful like catching up with a good friend, but Friday it was BOTH, and I ended up having a great, great day.

Which meant - that even though I was working 7am-9pm on Saturday - I didn't care! Because I was still on my great mood high that can sometimes last for days.

Work at the coffee shop on Saturday was KRAZZYYYYYY. Yep, I even spelt 'crazy' in a crazy way to emphasize how crazy it was. It was the busiest it's ever been when I've worked. It was just me and Forrest all day and we were swamped! Swamped, I tell you! But - we killed it, duh, and it was fun.

Then I drove home, took a super super quick shower, got ready for work, and then drove to Kittery for more work. It was a good night. I was working with ladies who are awesome and fun to be with. Nice.

Sunday, more work all day. Not krazy though. Me and my boss, Dave, started to practice latte art, but then it was time for me to go.

And today is my day off! It's Kara's day off too!! It's cloudy and cold so we're not taking the Moonraker out, which is a Major Bummer. I have to go to the bank and Kara needs to go buy new cake pans, because she is a famous baker and all.

OH! Also something else that made this weekend GREAT - seeing people I haven't seen in FOREVER! I guess that was the theme of the weekend. I ran into my neighbor at Eddie Bauer on Satuday and we ended up talking for a while. It was really nice, actually. And then on Sunday, I had to run to the grocery store while working at the coffee shop, and I ran into the mom of one of the girls I used to take dance lessons with!! It was really nice and we stopped and chat for a while.

So! When my weekend had all the feelings that it would be melancholy, it actually turned out to be great.

And this week! Kara and I are going to Boston for the WFNX summer concert. Cold War Kids, The Naked and Famous, Young the Giant, Foster the People and DOM are who we are seeing. I'm excited for Cold War Kids and The Naked and Famous.

The Naked and Famous sings that great song, 'Young Blood,' which was featured in the cinema-smash hit, PROM. And Cold War Kids sings this absolutely great song called, 'Skip the Charades.' LOVEEEEEE that song. To the max. It's so heartbreaking.

Wow, you've got some great music to listen to after reading this post!

Alright, I'm gonna go. Kara and I have to run errands and then go to the gym. UUGGHHHHHHHHH THE GYM.

Ok!!!! Everyone have a great start to the week!! That way you'll be in a good mood and therefore the whole week will be great. Good plan!

Alright, take care. We'll talk again soon :)

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