02 January 2011

'Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end'

I'm a little late on my end of the year posting. You know, the one where I recap major events that have happened in my year, and then post some resolutions for my next year. So, I'm going to do that now. Right here. Get ready. Ready? Ok, let's go.

- Been to 15 states! Including 4 new ones (Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois)!!!
- Saw Crash Kings 17 times (one time in 2009 makes 18 total)
- Been to a total of 23 concerts: Crash Kings: 17, River City Extension: 4, Hanson + Rooney: 1, Weird bands in Portland, ME: 1
- Leased a new car. 2010 Toyota Prius affectionately named Morgan.
- Battled a bat in my apartment which led to the 'rabies scare of 2010.'
- Quit my job and moved back home
- Streaked my hair teal
- Had to say goodbye to my one and only ear piercing due to massive infection
- Discovered River City Extension. So freaking awesome.

- Had some really, really bad days.

Now, I'm not one for bad days. I can usually find something that will always make me happy, always bring my mood up. But this year was tough. There were so many days that I hated. I cried a lot this year, especially at the beginning. I can think of two days right off the bat that I cried for hours and hours straight. About two totally different issues. My job was rough. I had a lot of people scream at me.

I had a great October. Really awesome November. I don't forget about those months. Those months were really great. Kind of amazing, actually. And I had one moment that could totally make up for all the bad things in the year. I don't forget that moment. I loved that moment.

But, all in all, I would say it was a not-so-great year. I am happy it's over. I am excited for things to happen in 2011 that will be great.

Already in 2011 I have:

- Got my first traffic ticket. For not having my car registered. $103. Bummer, right? Ah well. I was driving around with an unregistered car for two months, it was bound to happen. However, I can't afford to register my car, and now I also can't afford to pay the ticket. So, we'll see.

- Second day into the new year and I wake up with a horrible headache that I have had for like, 5 hours now.

It's gonna be a good year.


- wear more purple
- be better about talking on the phone
- be better about expressing my feelings
- write more

I think those are pretty good. Remember how my resolution for 2010 was to wear more red plaid?? Well, you will be happy to know that I ended the year with THREE red plaid shirts. I think that's a WIN.

Anyways. I hope everyone had a great Christmas and an exciting New Years. I've been feeling weirdly out-of-place pretty much everywhere I go, and I can't seem to shake that. It's kind of been bringing me down a little.

But! I'm doing okay. Excited about this year, I guess. I just started watching the entire series of Entourage over for the 4th time! My mom and Kara are watching it too.

Ok! I'll talk to you all later. Hope your new year is off to a great start. What are your resolutions?? What were the best parts of your 2010??

And so I dim the lights, and I crack a beer
and I think to myself about things
I'd said I'd do this year
Growing old never takes it's toll until you're losing
Track of all the things you won't have back again
And there's so many of them

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thanks for the comment! you're the best!!