09 November 2010

'taking two stairs at a time'

So, a while back, I had been listening to River City Extension in the car and 'South for the Winter' came on. I think it was a rainy day. I might have even blogged that RCE was great to listen to in the rain.

Anyways, I love that song. Like, I really love that song. I just think it's so beautiful. Also, it's kind of been my jam lately. Like, I'll listen to the song and think, "wow, this song gets me."

But the other day I was listening to River City Extension and 'Today, I Feel Like I'm Evolving' came on and I thought, "hold up, let me listen to this one again." And I stopped what I was doing and literally just sat and listened to the song. And now, I feel like this is the song that speaks to me. Because, I guess I feel like I'm evolving, in a way. Making changes in my life. And I just love listening to that song. And I just LOOOVVEEEE the lyric, 'I have been shaken by your sensitivity,' which maybe I have said before, but now I feel like it really relates.

OHHHHH music.

Anyways. There are a few things I've been meaning to talk about and this is the blog where I do it. SOOOO - let's make a list so I don't forget:

1. fake rips
2. burns
3. can't get enough

Yep. Sounds awesome, right?!!? Right. I'm probably not going to talk about them in that order. It's probs gonna be 3, 2, 1.


3. "can't get enough"

If you didn't know, Rooney was on George Lopez last night! They performed two songs, 'I Can't Get Enough' and 'Not in my House.' Ahhhh so awesome. Love me some Robert Schwartzman. Yess I do. Also - I'm seriously loving Taylor Locke's shorter hair. Also, Kara's boyfriend Brandon on bass. So, everyone should go watch them rock. I hope there's a winter Rooney tour :)

2. "burns"

So, last week I had a rough week. I was taking something out of the oven one night and I burnt the palm of my hand on the hottttt pan. I can't remember exactly how this happened, but it hurt. Really bad. Like, it was burning and stinging. And it left a mark. It even hurt the next day when I forgot about it, and then banged it or something. Yeah, it still hurt.

So the next night, I'm trying to use up things in my cupboards, so I decide to make brownies. And, since I don't own any useful size baking dishes, I make them in a 9x9 frying pan. I've done this before. Why don't more people use frying pans as baking dishes?!?! It's totes brillz!!

Although, this is probably why..

I take the brownies out of the oven and set them on the stove. I immediately get into "this is a frying pan" mode and forget the handle is also hott, because the entire thing was in the oven. AND - it totally burns my wrist on my right hand. Like, the side of my wrist. And so again, I found myself running my burning hand under cold water.

TWO NIGHTS IN A ROW!!! Can you believe this?? Keith was like, "you gotta stop touching pans." So true.

So, again, I forget about the new burn because it doesn't hurt the next morning. Also, it's in a weird spot where I can't see it unless I turn my wrist around. A few days later, I'm looking in the mirror and I hold up my hand, and THERE'S A HUGE RED LINE across my wrist! Like, it turned into a bad burn!!!

AND NOW, it's like all scabbed over and gross. And I can't believe any of it. Crazy times over here.

1. "fake rips"

Do you remember how I ripped my jeans after coming back from the Crash Kings Adventure Weekend? I think it happened in DC. Lots of rocking there. WELL, I went out the next night to buy some new jeans. Nice, new non-ripped jeans. Well, turns out, you can't buy any jeans without fake rips in them! Nope. Not one pair in the style I wanted didn't have fake rips all over them.

Like, what?! Come on. I bought new jeans because mine were ripped and what did I buy... MORE RIPPED JEANS!!!! I don't understand it. Why do your jeans need to look like you've been in a fight? Or been attacked by a bear?

Kids. And their ripped jeans. Trying to look tough? No! Why does everyone need to look tough? Why can't we just all look nice?

So, next time you see me, I'll probs be wearing the ripped jeans. Just, don't make fun of me. Or try and start a fight.

Anywaysssss that's about all I have to say. I'm at work right now and it's super boring. They just watched 'Big Daddy' twice in a row. Like, for real. Twice in a row. I'm pretty hungry. Excited about eating something when I get upstairs.

Also maybe going to try and pack some more tonight. It's not as much packing as it is "gathering" everything. And then I need to seriously clean.

I can't believe I'm leaving here soon. Everyone is really excited for me. I'm excited for me too.

ALSO - we had cake and ice cream today in staff meeting because it was my last one, and it was the most delish cake ever. Like, chocolate cake with raspberry filling and then this other part that I don't even know what it was. Like, wow. It was so good. And then black raspberry chip ice cream. YES. Ohhhh man. So far it's been the only thing I've eaten today - and I have no problem with that. Sooooo good. And there's leftovers, which I will enjoy also.

I've been in a good mood today. Yeah.

OK. I have to go do some real work things now. LAME. But, important, I suppose. So, I'll talk to everyone again laterrrrr. Or, probs not later, but another time. Maybe tomorrow. Or, Thursday. Or, anytime really. IDK.

Now go have a great day!


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