30 November 2010

'because none of it was ever worth the risk'

DON'T HATE ME. I know I'm the worst blogger ever. I'M SORRY I didn't do the Thanksgiving Madness post that I promised you. I totally forgot about it until Thanksgiving night just as I was getting into bed, and then I was too tired :/


I'm so thankful that whenever I come to the blog, I feel a little bit happier. Not as lonely. I know I'm surrounded by friends :)

So on actual Thanksgiving day, I was alone, as I believe I mentioned a few times. My mom and sister had to work. I also had to work, though at not an actual job, and I wasn't getting paid. I was cooking all the delicious things we would be eating on Second Thanksgiving, which was happening on Friday.

I did a lot of cooking. Or, rather, preparing. We did the actual cooking of everything on Friday afternoon before eating. The prep was all pretty easy. This was my third year in a row cooking these recipes, so I'm kind of used to them. It's really the only real cooking I do all year. Thanksgiving Dinner. Funny, right? Kind of. I hate cooking and never do it, except for this huge day where I cook everything.

AND - everything was delicious!!! As always. Really delicious. I do a good job at things when I actually pay attention and care about them.

So, Friday was spent eating all day. Which, I have no problem with. Saturday was pretty good too. Hung around with my mom all day. Kara had to work. My mom and I went to Target and then to the grocery store. Prettttyyyyy exciting stuff happened.

Not really. But I suppose it was a nice day. Although, I was kind of in a sad mood.

Sunday was a great day. I had a great day. I met Jenn for lunch! Great. And it turned into like, a 5.5 hour lunch of us getting caught up with everything in our lives. It was really great. Jenn is like my older sister, so that's awesome. Like, seriously. An older sister to me. And I've known her my entire life, which is PRETTY COOL. (yep... still saying' "pretty cool" in the Miley voice. get used to it.)

After our lunch, I came home and got ready to go over MARIA'S house. I was sleeping over and then babysitting her little sister all day Monday. FUN FUN FUN TO THE MAXXXXXXX.

I went over and they were in the middle of decorating for Christmas!!! Also, the Sarah Palin show was on TV, and I watched like, 3 episodes. It was kind of amazing. All they did was fish. And when they weren't actually fishing, they were either talking about going fishing, setting up the fishing camp, or gutting and cleaning fish. YES. But man, Alaska looks pretty nice. Like, vacation scenery all the time.

Then, Maria and I got bored or something.... so we started playing with these giant dice. Or, di. Like, trying to balance them on our fingers. It sounds super lame and boring - but we did it for like, probably half an hour. And we decided eventually that we should become a dice balancing act, where people would pay to watch us do our tricks. Which includes: balancing dice on our fingers and saying, "whoooaaa whoa whoaaaa" a lot. Our act will be called, 'The Lady's Di.' YEP. Brillz. TOTESbrillz.

I didn't go to sleep until like, 4:30 in the morning.

On Monday! I was spending the whole day babysitting Maria's little sister, Joshie, who is awesome. She's 10. We did a lot of awesome things. First, we had breakfast. Then, she suggested that I take a quiz about puppies. So, I took the quiz. I didn't do too bad for someone who has never owned a dog. Or has never been a dog person. Then we watched the classic film, Dante's Peak, starring Pierce Brosnan. If you have never seen this cinematic gem, you must see it immediately.

In eighth grade, me and Maria were in Mrs. Schwingle's class and it was like, a half day or something. Or, maybe that was one of the week's that we had bomb threats every day and got to go home early. But, there wasn't enough time in the day to do anything productive, so we watched Dante's Peak. BUT - then the time ran out and we couldn't finish it. SO, me and Maria either immediately rented the movie, or immediately bought the movie, I can't remember which one. And ever since that day, Dante's Peak has played a major role in our lives.

We had to stop it like, right after the part where Ruth has to walk through the acid lake in order to keep the boat from sinking. YEAH. THAT'S A PART IN THE MOVIE.

Turns out, Joshie has a crush on Pierce Brosnan. After the movie was over, she drew a heart on this little marker board that said:



and she was like,

JOSHIE: That doesn't stand for peanut butter... it stands for PIERCE BROSNAN.

It was awesome. I laughed a lot. We also looked through lots of dog books, did some drawing, Joshie taught me the proper way to howl like a wolf, ate some chicken nuggets, watched some funny YouTube videos, Joshie gave me an alto saxophone, piano, and tenor saxophone concert... it was a time. A great time. I've known Joshie ever since she was a baby, so it was really cool hanging out with her just the two of us. OH - we were also texting. For some reason, texting is WAY more fun when you're in the same room as the other person.

Maria and her mom came home in the evening. We all relaxed on the couch for a while. Then, a bit later in the evening, I departed for my house. The long distance of like, 3 miles away.

Joshie also invited me to sleep over their house for an entire week. Sooo.... that's gonna be a good week. Love that fam.

Monday night was spent hanging out with my family. They are great too. Ruby Tuesday missed me a lot.

Tuesday was an exciting day. My mom had the day off work! Because she needs to use up her vaca time at work!!! Awesome! That never happened with me. I was literally waiting month to month to accrue more vacation time so I could take more time off. Haha.

We all got up early (10am) and went out for breakfast! And then had to go to Target. I needed to exchange a pair of glove/mittens that I had bought. Did I tell you about those? I think I did. Or wait sec... maybe I didn't...? Their like, gloves, with a mitten flap that goes over your fingers? And they're teal and brown? I feel like I remember typing out this.

OH. I think I typed it out to Keith. I don't think it was in the blog. Keith sometimes gets personalized blog entries, and then I get confused. It's a hard life, being an amateur blogger.

Or rather, blogging is confusing when you mix it with general correspondence, because then, like what just happened, I get confused as to where I have said things and who I have told.

Anyways, I bought those glove/mittens. They were from the kids section because everything is cheaper there and I have small hands. BUT, these glove/mittens were TOO small. They were for ages 4-7 and I should have bought 8-16. They fit, but it was a bit tight around the wrist.

So I went to exchange them, BUT THEY DIDN'T HAVE ANY 8-16. Sadface. No glove/mittens for Julie. I ended up just returning them. And! The customer service lady was Grace Shaw! Who I went to high school with. Awesome! I feel like I'm back in high school. For real. It's crazy. Like, it's CRAZY. Maybe I'll just start going back to Noble. Maybe nobody would realize that I graduated like, 7 years ago. Weird. Both that I'm seeing all these high school people, and also that I graduated like, 7 years ago. WEIRD.

I also bought exciting items in Target including: allergy medicine and gum. I couldn't wait to open the gum, so I had to have a piece in the store, and then pay for it. I figured that was probably fine. Delicious gum, btw.

Then, we had to go to Home Depot. Since I've moved home, I've been to good ol' HD mayyyyyybe like, 25 times. Ok, that's a lie. It's been like, 5 times, maybe. Actually, maybe only like, 3. Too many to count, that's how many.

THEN, we came home and decorated the house for Christmas. Kara and I worked pretty hard putting up lights on the bushes outside. And putting out Frosty, who is the twinkling snowman that lives in our yard. My mom named him Frosty, but I think he looks more like an Eddie.

Then, we decorated the indoors. Put up the Christmas tree. Kara yelled at me because I was doing it wrong. The house actually looks awesome. I haven't been a part of holiday decorating in a lonnnnggggg time. Like, I can't remember the last time. So, it was kind of nice.

Then, Kara and I made macaroni and cheese and it was delicious. Like, soooo good. And we drank apple cider out of wine glasses. More fun that way. Currently I'm drinking soda out of a wine glass, and it rocks. Like, it's making everything wayyyy more fun.

Like when you drink a cold beverage out of a mug. Best thing ever.

It doesn't take much to make me happy. Like, not much at all.

OMG. omg. Omg. I haven't told you about HARRY POTTER.

I saw Harry Potter with Kara and Maria last week!!!!!!!!! O.M.G. What an amazing movie. Super creepy, super dark, bittersweet, heartbreaking, made you laugh, made you cry, all around GREAT movie. Yes, I cried. TEARS. Like, TEARS WERE STREAMING DOWN MY FACE. At the end.

This was also the first time I really HATED Voldemort. Like, the really first time. I mean, normally you just don't like him. At least, I don't. Because I generally don't hate anybody. Even if that person is Lord Voldemort. But at the end of this movie, when Voldy and Dumbledore are inches from each other.... I felt SO violated. I couldn't believe how angry I was to see that happen. And anger and hate are two emotions I never feel. And these were coming right after the tears happened. It was a lot to handle.

Also, I feel like I appreciated this movie so much. Like, seeing all the characters. Even Kreature. I was like, "awww, it's KREATURE!"

But also, for some reason, I mix up the Harry Potter movies and books SO BAD. Like, I can NEVER remember what has happened and when everything all happened. So, when Harry, Hermione and Ron go into the Black house, I was like, "awww Sirius will be there!" And then I got all excited to see Gary Oldman. And then I was like, "Hmm, when was the last time we saw Gary Oldman?" And then I remembered that it was in the 5th movie when Sirius died....

So, there would be no Gary Oldman here. But, I leaned over and asked Kara, just to make sure:

JULIE: Wait... did Sirius die...?
KARA: (shakes her head at me) Oh my God, I can't believe you're asking me that. YES.

And then afterwards she said to me,

KARA: I was embarrassed for you that the people next to me might hear what you were asking!

Kara is my go-to HP resource. She has read the books like, 5 times. She's like Harry Potter clifnotes. For realz.

ANYWAYS. The movie was amazing. Loved a lot of the camera angles. Like when Harry is trying to destroy the locket for the first time and he's like, trying all these different spells and the locket keeps jumping further and further back, and then he just goes crazy and THEN - it shows a quick shot of the back of his head. LOVED THAT SHOT. I don't know why. But, it was so good.

Also loved the shot when the snatchers were running after Harry, Ron and Hermione and they were running towards the camera, and the camera was like, running towards them. That doesn't make sense. It also doesn't make sense when I explain it in real life. But, I loved that part too.

Also loved the shot of Voldemort in Dumbledore's coffin, even though I hated that part.

Yeah, lots of great cinematography.

That was a great night.


SO. Right now I'm sitting in the living room, enjoying the decorations. And the lights. Sights and sounds of the season, as some would say. Alliteration, much? Actually, there are no seasonal sounds playing currently. I'm listening to Paper Tongues. Their acoustic version of, 'Get Higher,' which is like, the most beautiful song ever.

Oh! But if I were listening to seasonal Paper Tongues, I would listen to their recording of Carol of the Bells. Great version. My mom even loved it!

I had a dream the other night about the whipped cream vodka that me and Kara had. The dream was, we were out of it, and Kara was going out to get more. And, I woke up just as she was leaving to go to the store. Great dream, right? Yep.

ALSO, been rocking out to Ke$ha a lot lately. Reallllyyyyy makes me want to go to a hott dance party. 'We R Who We R' is my jam. Actually, no. Not exactly my jam. But, a great song nonetheless. Kara and I had a dance party to that song while we were stopped at a red light on our way to Wal-Mart last week. YEP. #classy

WELL. It's about 1am. I'm tired. Ruby Tuesday is tired and wants to go to sleep. She's been out and about in the house tonight. We're going through this process of slowly reintroducing the cats to each other. Not going so well. Until tonight! Tonight was the first time they were together that didn't end in a screaming cat fight. So, progress!!! And now Ruby is running around the house playing. Awww. She's the best. Like, aside from Kara, she's probably the person I love most in the world. Notice how I called her a person. yep. She has the best personality of any cat ever. And, she has a better personality than some people I've met. You have to meet Ruby to understand what I'm talking about. And like, live with her.

She also just literally rolled down the stairs because she's chasing a green mouse around the house. It was pretty hilarious. Like, she actually rolled off a stair. Awww and she JUST ran into the living room with the green mouse in her mouth. Looks like she's in control of that situation. Don't want any loose mice in the house. Especially the green ones.

OK. I'm going to bed now. So is Ruby. She woke me up this morning and punched me right in the mouth. That's a true story. With her paw. Twice, this happened, and then I finally got up to feed her. She's awesome.

OK now it's bedtime.

I hope EVERYONE has a great day!! I have no idea what day it is! But, it should be a great one.

HOLY CRAP it's December 1st!!!! That means it's Wednesday, because that's when my storage unit payment is due. Don't worry, I already paid it.


My birthday is LESS THAN three months away. yep. Get ready, folks. 25 on the 25. Quarter of a century? Check. I should have a huge, blow out party. On a boat. A black tie, huge blow out party on a boat. That sounds awesome.

Also - Bro Tour 2011 will begin. This is the fake tour that I have made up in my head. With all the brother bands. yep. Awesome.

OK. I'm really going to bed now. I'm tired. Take care, friends. I will try and be better about updating. Life is pretty awesome right now, not gonna lie. Unemployment suits me well. :)

Until next time!


1 comment:

thanks for the comment! you're the best!!