01 September 2010



I'll discuss more later. Man, I feel like it's been forever since I blogged.

AWESOME NIGHT TONIGHT. That band is so freaking nice. Great times.

What's in store for me tomorrow? Not great times. UGH I have to go to court. NOT looking forward to it. It's mainly just transportation and maybe a stand up and say, "yes, everything is going well," type deal. But, it also means schmoozing with lawyers and people-who-think-they're-so-important. And I have to get dressed up. And normally I would post different outfit combinations for people to vote on, like I've done in the past, but I'm not even going to have time.

I'm really into the idea of wearing a t-shirt over a dress. Why? I have no idea.

I really wish it was Fall. I'm definitely ready for cold weather. I keep trying to dress like it's cold outside to try and trick myself into thinking it really is cold. But, then I just end up sweating too much.

I took out a pair of pants yesterday that I don't really wear because they're a really weird length. Like, they're the right size and everything, but maybe a little too short...? Like, they always get caught in the top of my shoes and it's awkward. So, I looked at the pants and decided that instead, they would make an excellent skirt.

So, I started the process of turning the pants into a skirt. Something I have never done before. But then I remembered that I don't have a sewing machine. And I really didn't want to hand stitch it all. So, I guess the skirt will wait until I go home and I'll try and use the machine from a million years ago. Maybe I'll even bring it back with me... I really think I'd do a lot of projects if I had one.

Anyways! What was I talking about? Nothing, I guess.

Well. I'm pretty tired now that I think about it. I think I'm going to go to bed.

At least I don't have to be up early tomorrow. I don't think we're leaving for court until like, 1:30pm or so. And - I'm not working tonight!!!!! YESSSSSS!!!!!! That means I can sleep UNINTERRUPTED until my alarm goes off, or Ruby Tuesday wakes me up. Whichever comes first. Probably the Ruby alarm.

MAN, I love not being woken up by the phone every morning.

OK! Hope you all are having an excellent week! I became re-certified in adult, infant and child CPR on Tuesday night. That was fun... Actually, it wasn't bad. It was through the American Heart Association and not the Red Cross, like last year. It was actually easier, so that was good. There was no written test!

Anyways. I got some pretty nice pics of RCE. And! Ballad of Oregon on video! It's kind of shaky because it's my fave and I was so excited. But, I'll post it anyways.

ALRIGHT! Have a great night! Talk to everyone soon!!!!


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