30 September 2010

"it's like i'm pressed on the handle bars, of a blind man's bike."

It's been a long time since my last update. I know this. I feel bad about this. I've been meaning and wanting to write to you all, but I just haven't had any energy. I've been like, half sick. I thought it was because of allergies, because I ran out of allergy pills the same day I ran out of money. So, I was unable to get more. Then, I got a paycheck, but I kept having to work weird hours and not really sleeping, so I didn't get to the store.

But now, it seems like it's just a cold or something. Even though I've taken both allergy medicine and cold medicine and neither seem to be working. Hooray.

This week is better than last week in terms of sleeping, though. Last week I had the monitor on all night, and was waking up like, 10 times. This week, it's only sporadically, which means I can sleep for long periods of time without waking up!

Last night I slept from 2am to 8am!!!!!! I WAS IN SHOCK. No phone! No monitor! No Ruby Tuesday kisses!

Anyways! On to better stuff.

I had such a fun weekend! I went home early Saturday morning. Brunched with mom and Kara. Then, Kara went to work and my mom and I drove to Newton, MA FOR RYAN'S GIG!

Yes, my friend Ryan had a real live GIG. Jazz, klezmer and everything in between. It was so fun! All these great types of music being performed by wonderfully talented musicians. And Ryan was the featured vocalist! My favorite was the Ladino song in the second act. That was soooo fun!

UGH, but guess what?! I forgot my camera! I realized this while standing in the lobby waiting for the auditorium to open. UGH I was so disappointed. However, Ryan's friend Liz who came to us for the Crash Kings show in Portland, ME was also there, and she got VIDEO! So, hopefully, if it's okay to post the videos online, you will be able to see the show!

I'm excited for videos, because I really enjoyed it. YAY RYAN!!! And she was totally famous after! There was like, a line of people waiting to talk to her. It was awesome.

It seemed like a long drive home after. We stopped at McDonald's for a pick-me-up. It was fun. No only because it was a fun event, but because it was fun to be out doing something with my mom.

On Sunday, we basically just relaxed around the house. Always fun. Family time, watching the Patriots game.

Can I just say something? I hate sports. Yep, hate 'em. Don't understand them, don't care to understand them, don't care about the players, the teams, whatever. I know a lot of people like sports and like rooting for their teams. That's fine. Do that. Just don't involve me in it. K, thx.

Kara came home with me Sunday night! I was happy about that. I was even more happy that she finally agreed to watch The O.C. with me. I had been trying to force her, but she kept resisting. Then! She finally gave in. It was a good day. And - she loves it!

So, I'm excited about rewatching the entire season. NICE.

And total last-minute - I ended up having Monday night off. So, that was nice because it broke up the driving. Monday night we got chinese food and went to the gym. And watched The O.C. Nice night.

Tuesday morning I woke up early to be back at work in time for staff meeting. Kara brought home iced coffee for me, so that was nice.

Tuesday was a long day. Work from 12:30 to 10pm. I went to bed early. Wednesday was spent lounging around with Miss Tuesday. She's very cuddly all the time. Wednesday morning she curled up in bed right next to me and stretched out on Buck. SO CUTE!!!

I feel like there was something important I had to tell you. Or, that I was meaning to tell you.

The other night, I had a dream that Kara, my dad and me, went to Los Angeles to see 3 Crash Kings shows! But, one of the shows was going to be Crash Kings performing 'Seasons of Love' from Rent. Yep! Crazy, right? I think that's all they were going to be doing, was just performing that one song. I was excited about.

Last night I watched this movie called Ondine. Starring Colin Farrell. Set in Ireland, about a fisherman who pulls his net up one day and there is a woman in it! She's alive, though. And then Colin Farrell's little daughter starts believing that this woman is a Selkie, a seal that can turn into a person. And then there's all this folklore that makes you believe that maybe she really is. And then the Selkie and Colin Farrell fall in love.

It was okay. Kind of slow, but interesting. Really pretty music. And also, Ireland.

Tonight! I'm either going to watch Killers, starring Katherine Heigl and Ashton Kutcher, OR continue to get caught up on Grey's Anatomy, which I'm very behind on. Exciting, eh?! I might go with Grey's. I watched an episode before work, so I'm kind of in the mood. Plus, they're shorter than a movie.

Man, I'm just feeling worse and worse. It feels like the cold medicine did nothing. Bummer. Also, I had a baby spit up on me and sneeze on me and cough on me. And drooling everywhere. And I wonder why I'm sick...

I bought a bottle of that O Water. Lime Lemon flavor. Remember the O Water? Kid was giving away free samples in Harvard Square when I was there beginning of August? (for the Crash Kings show at the Middle East.) And I tried coconut and it was delish. Well, they were on sale in the grocery store the other day so I thought, "hey! it's the O water! I'll buy one!" And I did. It's supposed to be like, a healthy sports drink. It's pretty good. I like it because it's not crazy colors or anything, it just looks like water. Also it tastes good.

So, last night on Facebook, I was looking at the tour schedule of Crash Kings, just to REALLY REALLY make sure there were no dates before the two ONE MONTH FROM NOW for me to go see. (there really aren't.) But, an ad on the side caught my eye. It was like, 'Enroll in jewelry making school!' And I was like, "what? People can go to jewelry making school?"

And, yes! People do. It's this school called the North Bennet Street School in Boston and it's like, a serious jewelry program. Not just like, 'put the beads on here...' type of thing but like, 'lets melt down this gold and turn it into a ring' type thing. Cool, right?

It's also a school that you go to if you want to learn how to build a piano! I looked at all the pictures because I was totally fascinated. KIDS BUILDING PIANOS. There was one photo of a guy INSIDE a piano. Like, with the cover off. And kids tuning pianos. Oh, it was unreal. I think pianos are one of those things that you just don't imagine being apart. Like, a person. Not like a bookshelf, where lots of those are put together and taken apart. But a piano! So beautiful.

I read up about the program and the school for a long time last night. And then, I woke up in the middle of the night randomly thinking about it. It'd be like, a 2 year program. Like, back to school. Which, I would be super excited about.

The problem is, I don't know if I want to do it because I think it sounds interesting and I'd like to learn more, plus I want to go back to school, OR, if I want to do it because I actually want to become a jewelry maker/repairer. Ya know?

It says that it involves very tedious work, which I like.

I don't know. I guess because still after going to a four year school I have no idea what I want to do at all, it's like, why not? And then I'm like, "well, it's expensive and you have no money. And you already have $40,000 in loans to pay back. And you're not sure if you want to do it because you think it'd be fun, or if it's something you actually want to do." That's why not.

I mean, I kind of like the idea of being a person who makes jewelry. Like, with a workbench and important tools. But then I'm like, 'is that reality?' and then I'm like, "what is reality? why can't you become a jewelry maker if you want?!'

And then I just get mad at myself and everyone else. It's been happening a lot lately. I just feel frustrated all the time. EXCEPT, when I'm with Kara. Why? Because she's my sister and she's the best.

Anyways. I guess that's it. I still feel like I have other things to talk about, but I can't think of them now. Bummer, because I feel like I was in a bad mood this whole entry. Sorry.

Alright, I'm going to go do something else now. I'm at work, so options are limited.

Hope everyone has a great night. It's been raining here all day, which I'm very happy about because all that nice weather was starting to make me mad. I love the sound of rain. It sounds like when someone drops a string of beads and they fall all over a floor.

No plans for tomorrow except going to the grocery store and maybe the post office.

OHOHOH!! Did everyone watch the season premiere of Bored to Death??! Season 2!!! It was totes hilars. I laughed so hard when they were talking about how nobody reads anymore and then George was like,

GEORGE: I bought a Kindle, but then I dropped it in the tub.

Ohhh yeah, I laughed a lot. So funny. #schwartzmanlove

Alright! Talk to you soon! Have a good night!


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