19 September 2010

a couple spooky things

1. HOROSCOPE for today, Sunday, 19 September, 2010.

In the shower, during breakfast, on your commute, while you work, this question keeps nagging you: what if I were doing something else with my life? Longing for change is perfectly normal, but while sometimes you can shrug it off, perhaps these days call for taking that desire a little more seriously.

2. Remember Darren? The guitarist for Phantom Planet who I have a crush on? Yeah. I remember Darren. Well, him and his girlfriend did a cover of 'Killing Me Softly,' and I think you all should listen to it because it's quite good. It's very sexy and spooky. Plus, what a great song, right?! Who doesn't love that song? Great! So it's decided - you'll have a listen!

(You may now continue having a great day.)

1 comment:

  1. Um, Darren has a girlfriend and we're NOT doing something about it?? What is wrong with this Phantom Planet picture?


thanks for the comment! you're the best!!