18 August 2010

'the minutes they move like molasses'

HIIIIII friends!

I feel like I haven't really updated in a while. I mean, a good update. I think it's been mostly little scenes and snippets.

Anyways, just a few things I wanted to tell you about. The first is:

1:: PINA COLADA JUICE. Yep. I would like to thank Dole for making this juice. I was in the grocery store tonight, walking by the juice section on my way to the yogurt section, and for some reason, I was pulled over. Some strange force pulled me into the juice section. And I stared at all the unhealthy sounding juices that were supposed to be '100% juice.' I had to get one because they were on sale. I was torn between the watermelon juice and the pina colada juice. I ended up with the pina colada. BEST DECISION EVER. Um, it's so delicious. Very pineapple-y and very coconut-y.

2:: RUBY TUESDAY'S NEW MEDICINE. Yes, my little Ruby Tuesday has started taking Amitriptyline. When I brought her to the doctors a few weeks ago, I told the vet how Ruby sometimes becomes really violent and scary and I have to put her in time out. So, she prescribed this drug, amitriptyline, which is supposed to be a behavior-altering drug, and is also used to treat separation anxiety, which I also think Ruby suffers from when I go away. Even if it's just for a little while! She gets sooo upset. I can't tell you how many times my curtain on my door has been pulled down when I'm away.

So, I asked for it to be prescribed in a cream form, rather than pill form, because rubbing a cream into her ear felt easier than trying to make her swallow a pill. WELL. This has been an ordeal. This cream. MAN. Getting her to sit still while I rub the cream into her ear is IMPOSSIBLE. I feel like I'm choking her, trying to get her to stop moving her head. And where does the cream end up? On my face, in my hair, on my clothes. Yes, everywhere else but her ear. How does it end up on my face and in my hair?? I HAVE NO FREAKING IDEA!!! Like, COME ON. Every freaking time. Ohhh I don't know. But, I went out tonight and bought more cat treats to give her after I attempt to give her the medicine.

3:: River City Extension was named one of the top 100 bands on Absolute Punk! Here's what they had to say about them:

River City Extension sound like a more eclectic Bright Eyes. If they’re not bringing you a humorous swashbuckling bridge, then they’re playing you a sing-along chorus; if not trumpets and brass, then mariachi flavor. But don’t let the diversity fool you into thinking they’re all about having a good time, because behind all the music is a disturbed man who sings about lost love, cancer and God. That’s what the somber strings are for: a more serious look at life’s frustrations.

YES. Start listening to this band ASAP.

4:: KID AT THE GROCERY STORE. I was in the check out at the grocery store tonight:

CHECKOUT BOY: Hi, how are you?
JULIE: I'm good! How are you doing?
CHECKOUT BOY: .... I plead the 5th.
JULIE: (laughs)
CHECKOUT BOY: I'm just bummed because I just got back from vacation. I drove back today and then immediately had to come back to work.
JULIE: Aw man. That's rough. Where did you go on vacation?
CHECKOUT BOY: I just went home, to Connecticut.
JULIE: Oh! I was in Hamden, Connecticut last week! (hoping he would ask why and then I could plug River City Extension.)
CHECKOUT BOY: You probably drove right through my town, Meriden. It's like, exit 18 or 19.
JULIE: ...Ohh...okay...
CHECKOUT BOY: I went to the mall in my town and they had added an indoor paintball center! INDOOR!!!
JULIE: Wow...
CHECKOUT BOY: It's like, as soon as I move away, they bring in all the cool stuff!

Yeah, a RCE plug did not happen like I thought it would. I'm like, why are you telling me about paintball studios? Studios? Centers? Spaces? What are they called? I don't know. Eh, nice kid. He's been my checkout boy before. (I was excited to tell you about this.)

5:: BOBBY SWEET TOOTH. Um, so Robert Schwartzman has been tour-blogging for this website called 'J-14,' which I'm assuming is some teen magazine. His blog is called 'Bobby Sweet Tooth' and he goes around in each town Rooney is in and finds great local dessert places. I think this is hilarious and awesome. Also, he's been posting a lot of videos on Twitter lately, and they all involve him ordering food. The first one was him, on foot, going through the Taco Bell drive-thru. It was great. The second, which I just watched, was him, ordering an Oreo Blizzard at Dairy Queen. It's terrific. I love this guy. He makes any day brighter. Same goes for Rooney music.

6:: JERSEY SHORE. I started watching Jersey Shore. I downloaded the first season. Um, it's great! I had no idea what the show was about. I thought it was a reality show about people who already lived on the Jersey Shore, and they just filmed their lives. Like, Laguna Beach or The O.C. I mean, not The O.C., The Hills. Yes, The Hills. The O.C. was not a reality show. Although I wish it was BECAUSE THAT WOULD FREAKING ROCK.

Ok, I really like Snooki. She seems pretty awesome. Also, JWOWW is great. I can't stand The Situation. He's such a jerk. I also can't stand Sammi and Ronnie as a couple. On their own, they're fine, but together - OMG it's terrible. I really like Vinnie, he's funny and seems like a nice guy. Ohhhh what a show! I don't find ANY of the guys attractive. Does ANYONE? For real?!

Ohhh so much drama. The last episode I saw, The Situation called Snooki 'fat,' and then JWOWW punched him in the face. They're in "romantic, enchantic, Atlantic City. Down by the old New Jersey Shore." Um, how come that isn't the theme song for the show?!!? Brillz.

Or better yet, how come RCE doesn't do the theme song?!?! Someone should make that happen.

7:: Hhmmmm... that might be it.


8:: HASHTAG CONVERSATION WITH KARA. Here's what went down:

I learned via Facebook that Kara had gone to the fine Italian restaurant, Olive Garden, with my mom. Every time I have been home and Kara tries to get us all go out to Olive Garden, my mom always refuses. So, I was shocked to hear she had gone. I texted Kara saying,

JULIE: WHAT you went to OG with Mummers?
KARA: Haha, yep!
JULIE: I can't believe she finally agreed to go!! #unfair
KARA: Haha #shelovesmemore

OMG, I laughed so hard. Not only was it funny that we were using hashtags in non-Twitter conversation, but Kara was actually being funny. Ohhh I laughed for a while. AWESOME.

9:: I had a dream last night that I had a hanging light in my apartment, and I unscrewed it from the ceiling and a bat poked it's head out. #tramautized

10:: The other night I had a dream that Kara and I were camping out at a Crash Kings concert and we met up with Tony and Mike's parents and for some reason they let us borrow some of their cooking pots. I have no idea why. And then I went to talk to Tony after the show and said,

JULIE: Your mom let me borrow some pots and pans, how can I get them back to her?
TONY: Well, I was planning on going to see them later on... You can drive me to Lincoln and then give them back.

??? I have no idea what that's about. Lincoln? Like, where did that come from? It was exciting though, because I was going to give Tony a ride someplace. ... It's also exciting to have a dream about Tony where we're not drunk on tequila.

11:: BLUETOOTH. What is bluetooth? I have no idea. But I used it the other night. Let me tell you about it...

First of all, ever since I got this new Mac back in December I have been getting messages telling me to 'update the Bluetooth software.' And every time I see this message, I close it and quit out of the program thinking, "yeah right, I don't have bluetooth." So then one day a few weeks ago, I got the message and for some reason I thought, "well, maybe I do have bluetooth." So, I updated the software. TURN OUT - I do have Bluetooth software, whatever that means. All those messages weren't fakes and lies - they were real.

So, jump to the other night, and I was trying to get a video off of my cell phone. (the video of Morgan hitting 12,000 miles) It was too big to send in an email. I had lost the CD to install the software onto my computer to get the video off that way. The phone memory card wouldn't fit into ANY of the fancy new memory card slots I just bought. I said, "THERE MUST be another way to get this video off this cell phone!" Because I really wanted to post it for you.

So I'm searching the phone, looking up sending options, and bluetooth is one of them. So I'm like, "hm, I think my computer also has that." So, I turn it on my phone, and I turn it on my computer. And then all this stuff starts happening. Like, the two machines are talking to each other. Things are lighting up, I'm suddenly entering all kinds of passwords and unlocking files and creating new folders and then BAM - the computer and the phone are connected.

And... I got the video onto my computer!! How?? I have no idea. It wasn't an email. It wasn't even a text message. It was.... bluetooth? What is it?! It's like a virtual fax machine, or something! No, a telepathic fax machine. YES. That's what it is! The phone and computer are like,

PHONE: Okay Computer... what am I thinking about?
COMPUTER: .....Umm...you're thinking about..... the video of Morgan hitting 12,000 miles!
PHONE: YES!! Here ya go..

And then the video ends up on the computer. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what bluetooth is. And it's different than BluRay. Right? It has to be. Because that's like a fancied up DVD.

SO - it was exciting.

12:: AND, that's it. I'll end on the Bluetooth note. I hope everyone is having a great week! Talk to me! Tell me what you're up to! I'm really interested in your lives too.

Take care, friends! Be well! Enjoy!



  1. wow um remember how i just told u the molassas line was my fav...thanks for stealing it!


    Also my mom.

    We're in Wales right now. Just thought you should know.

    Bluetooth is radio waves. So it's basically wireless internet, except not over the internet, just over the wireless.



thanks for the comment! you're the best!!