03 August 2010


BEST SHOW EVER. holy crap they brought the rock.

Tony walked out from behind the piano with the microphone during 2nd Rate Citizen and introduced the band/put his arm around Mike and said something like, "this is my brother Mike on the bass guitar!" it was a sweet bro moment. i may have gotten photo proof. oh, and then he came right up to the front of the stage about 5 inches from me and Jo and sang right in our faces. yep. that happened too.

Jason gave me a hug as soon as he saw me! and in this night of complete awesome, I I I I I initiated a Tony hug. his hair was all sweaty against my neck.

um, also, remember how their parents loved me in Portsmouth?

YEAH. THEIR PARENTS STILL LOVE ME. Jason was standing, talking to us and their parents came over and gave him a hug and then saw me and their mom seriously got SO EXCITED. she was like,

MRS. BELIVEAU: Ohh, HI!! Julie!
JULIE: Yes!! Hi!!
MRS. BELIVEAU: I was looking for you in the crowd!!


and then we talked mostly about how awesome the show was, how awesome the crowd was, she said she thought it was the best show they had ever played.

and then she got the attention of their dad and said something like,

MRS. BELIVEAU: Look who it is!

and gestured to me. and then their dad saw me, his face totally LIT UP, HE GAVE ME A HUG TOO AND SAID,

MR. BELIVEAU: Julie, right?!
JULIE: Yeah!!

i CAN'T BELIEVE THEY REMEMBERED MY NAME! and then he immediately said,

MR. BELIVEAU: Where's your mom?!?!

and i explained that my mom had to work in the morning :/ lame.

but ohhhhh it was great. and then:

MRS. BELIVEAU: Well, we're on our way out, just going to say goodbye to the boys...
JULIE: It was so nice to see you again!
MR. AND MRS. BELIVEAU: Yeah! You too!!
MR. BELIVEAU: And I'm sure we'll see you again soon!
JULIE: Absolutely!!

let me just say, that if there was an award for Best Future Daughter-in-Law, I WOULD WIN IT. they are so nice. and i'm so happy that it wasn't like, weird for me to be talking to them again. because i was worried that even though their mom told me to come over and say hi, she didn't really mean it... ya know? but she did! obvi!


what a great freaking day this was.

i'll explain more in detail and with pictures.

OH, ALSO: Tony was wearing a v-neck. yep. that happened too.

OK. i don't know how i'm still writing because i'm so totally dead tired and exhausted. and actually really hungry, but i don't think i can manage to eat anything. my feet are killing me, i just noticed.

man, it's hard work rocking out to Crash Kings.

so tomorrow (wednesday) we drive to Providence for another show! Kara is coming!!! i'm SO EXCITED about that! still kind of confused as to whether she's meeting us in boston, or we're meeting her in prov. but, we'll figure that out tomorrow i suppose.

ok i must sleep now. MUST.

goodnight loved ones. talk to you again tomorrow! hopefully another day of epic awesome.


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