09 August 2010

crazy story...

SO, we saw River City Extension last night at the Middle East Upstairs.


I was so freaking happy standing there watching them play. They rocked. Joe was able to get my name on the guest list for the show, but said there was only one slot. Since the show was sold out, we were worried that Ryan and Jo wouldn't be able to get in, but maybe there was a chance they could buy tickets in the line, if people didn't show up.... or some other magical occurrence.

AND! Everything worked out kind of perfectly, and we all got in!!! YESSSSS.

The Upstairs venue is much less organized than the downstairs venue. You practically have to walk through the kitchen of the restaurant to get to it. We were standing in line waiting to get in and we could see into the kitchen, and there were plates of food sitting next to us. Hmm.

OOHHHHHHH THEY ROCKED. Yes they did. It was AWESOME getting to see them again. They are so incredible. For serious.

Anyways, pictures and things to come later.

But! We were talking to all of them after and they were all super excited that Ryan and Jo might be able to go to the show in Connecticut, happening TONIGHT. And I was bummed that I had to work and couldn't go and they would all get to hang out again and become best friends without me.

But man, it was so great talking to the band!! They are so nice and fun! Also great to like, really, meet Joe! Who I've had a lot of contact online with, but had only ever met in person for like, 15 seconds. He's great.

And, we hugged like, 3 band members and they win the award for BEST HUG. Yeah, it was great. Also, we hugged their cool tour manager, which was awesome. And he reminded me of someone SO MUCH but I couldn't figure it out.

AAAAHHH IT WAS AWESOME. Joe introduced me to the rest of the band saying,

JOE: This is Julie! She blogs about us a lot.

so fun.

ANYWAYS. So then cut to like, 3am and I'm trying to fall asleep, but I can't because I'm so excited about River City Extension. And THEN, i remember something amazing.

My boss usually sleeps over on Monday nights because she has to work until 10pm on Monday, and then again at 8am on Tuesday. So, she usually just sleeps on the couch in the staff office.

AND THEN I THOUGHT, "Hmm...it would be super easy to get another night off to go see RCE again!"

And then it took me even longer to fall asleep, thinking about my new plan and how awesome it would be if it all worked out.

SO - I called her this morning:

JULIE: Hi! I was wondering if you were planning on staying over tonight?
CHARLENE: I'D LOVE to do another overnight!

yep! easy as THAT. So, I have tonight off too!! And me, Ryan and Jo are driving down to Connecticut to see them again!!! YES. And last night, Joe told us that if we came, he'd put our names on the guest list again. So, I posted on his facebook wall letting him know we're coming! that'd be so freaking cool.

ALSO, not once, but TWICE, did we end up talking about Crash Kings with River City Extension. umm... yeah. that was awesome. Joe was like,

JOE: Alright, so, what would happen if we were playing a show on the same night that Crash Kings were playing a show?? Which one would you go see?
JO, RYAN, JULIE: Ok, first of all, that CAN'T HAPPEN EVER. And.... it would probably depend on the venue.
JOE: Okay, that's fair.


We were talking with Patrick, the keyboardist, about being at Starland Ballroom to see Crash Kings, but how the three of us didn't know each other then. And then he was like,

PATRICK: Wait, you guys met by going to Crash Kings shows?
PATRICK: That's awesome! Crash Kings, man. That guy SHREDS on the piano!
JO, RYAN, JULIE: Yes he does!!!

It was kind of like, "wait... are we really talking about Crash Kings with another band?!" So cool.

AND! Ryan and I met some pretty cool/cute boys in the line to get in! one of them was Chris. and they had traveled from Portland, Oregon to see Lydia play. Lydia was the headlining band. And at the end of the night, we saw them again and they said to us, "Your band was killer!!"

They meant River City Extension, of course. Because they are killer.

ANYWAYS. It's going to be a tight squeeze tonight to make the show, but I think we can do it. no, we CAN do it. no question.

alright! another great night in store. SO EXCITED. so much fun.

um, dear blog readers:

GO START LISTENING TO RIVER CITY EXTENSION. Like, RIGHT NOW. Seriously. I have more things to say, but I'll end the entry early so you can go use that time to go listen to your new favorite band. I BLOG PROMISE that you'll like them.

Ok. Thank you.

love, Julie

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