22 July 2010


I'm going to try and stay awake and NOT take a nap.

that way i won't sleep for three hours and then be really awake at night time.

i think i have enough entertaining things to do to keep me busy until like, 10pm at least.

movies to watch. Jonas to catch up on. things to dye hott pink.

although, i'm getting my 6pm headache. lately i've been getting these headaches in the evening that just won't go away. i think it's my eye drops mixed with the setting sun.

Kerianne sent me an email today and she said, "I just listened to the entire River City Extension CD, and now I'm starting it over again! Yay!" GREAT, right?! i told Kerianne about RCE, she started listening to them, and is going to see them when they're in Chicago! So awesome! Readers, I listen to good music, I promise. You should too.

and if you think i DON'T listen to good music (maybe because i talk about the jonas brothers a lot...) you should start listening to River City Extension anyways, because i can't imagine a person not liking them.

ok. i'm gonna go drink some coffee and dye things hott pink now.

1 comment:

thanks for the comment! you're the best!!