13 July 2010

hott pink plaid

i'm at work right now. and i'm so bored. i could fall asleep in like, 5 minutes. i'm so bored. i don't even feel like doing the normal things i do when i'm bored at work, because i get so bored with them. ohhh geeze.

and i have a headache. i'm not sure why.

this weekend was pretty good. worked on saturday. went home on sunday because my uncle and cousin were up. that was nice.

then kara drove back with me and slept over here sunday night. monday she made me breakfast in bed! no kidding! then she made me sugar cookies. then we watched Entourage and then drove into Concord where we went to Old Navy. and then out to dinner.

oohhhh it was so much fun. and then i drove her to maine, and then i had to drive back up here. i hate that drive so much. it's terrible.

last night i watched Date Night. i liked it a lot. i thought it was really funny. i just love Tina Fey so much. always have, always will.

today, we had staff meeting from 12:30 to 2:30. and i'm working now, 3:30-10. it's currently 7pm now. i wish it was the weekend again. i have saturday night off! wasn't planned, but my boss asked if i wanted it off. so i said yes! so, i'll drive back home saturday morning and come back up here sunday evening. nice!

BORED. SO BORED. bored to death. not that bored. but i do wish Jason Schwartzman were here. get it? Bored to Death? the tv show? ahaha... so funny.

Marie Antoinette is playing in the living room right now, speaking of Jason. good movie.

i don't even know what to say!

OH! i bought Rooney tickets online today!!! for me and kara!!!! well, actually they are:

Hanson with special guests Rooney tickets. THEY STILL ROCK. and i'm really really excited.

NEXT FRIDAY!!!! and i've been so excited about seeing them that i keep forgetting that the next day will be Crash Kings!!!!! it's gonna rock so effing hard. it will be like the FIRST TIME I saw Crash Kings when they opened for Rooney. except now i know who they are and they're super famous.

so great.

anyways. what else. i did all my work i need to do tonight. so now it's just about wasting time until i can go home. i'm excited. my dad is coming back up here tonight. so that's nice. and i'm excited to see Ruby.

i kind of still have a headache and it's annoying. i'm so tired. the past two nights i've gotten into bed early! like, between 2-2:30am. and i've had very, very good sleeps. which is unusual.


today in staff meeting we learned about children who experience trauma and how it effects their adult lives. it was super interesting and depressing at the same time. it was mainly about Ohio and how they prosecute juveniles in the court system. and this one judge realized that they can't prosecute every child the same, because some children have gone through such trauma they don't need punishment, they need treatment. and so Ohio started this whole Trauma Task Force which is about educating communities on how to treat these kinds of children.

oh, it was so interesting. and angering. very angering to then realize that most people in this country simply care about the punishment. not just for children, but for adults, too. everybody's like, "REVENGE! PUNISHMENT!!!! PUNISHMENT!!!!" when most of the time they should be saying, "wow, this person has has such a traumatic past, let's get them treatment so they can try and deal with this."

and money for the treatment is exactly what's being cut from this state's budget and i'm sure other states around the country.

changing subjects:

i had a turkey and cheddar cheese sandwich today and it was delish. i made it. and it was so great. and i toasted the bread and melted the cheese. totes yum.

i'm hungry now.

AND!!! in other news:

one of my readers graciously offered up her house to River City Extension after reading about it in this blog!!! so that's wonderful and awesome. so, REMEMBER, it's never too late to help a band out.

ALRIGHT! i guess that's it. for now. probably for tonight. because i'm tired. tomorrow i have a meeting at 12:30. and then i'm working 3:30-6pm. and then i have to go out and buy Ruby Tuesday food because she's pretty much all out. and i had a dream last night that i went out and bought her food.

ok! hope everyone is having a great night! talk to you soon!


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