apparently it's super liberal! who knew!? Borders Books was founded there! great!
so, let me tell you about my day.
last night i stayed up until 1:30am. what was i doing? umm. well. ok, i'll just tell you. i spent almost two hours watching archived episodes of Robert Schwartzman's UStream videos. where he'll do a 'live chat' and answer questions, play songs, interview the new Rooney bassist, etc. it's kind of the best thing since the Rooney tour video diaries.
one of the reasons i love Rooney is because they are really great about connecting with their fans online.
so, the episode i watched was from the end of May. Robert was on his porch and he answered questions for an hour and a half! that's right. and i watched it all. yep. oh, it was so totally enjoyable.
he talked about in high school when him and Jason would carpool to school together. this made me excited. he also talked about filming The Princess Diaries! which made me excited too. and as always, he talked about his dog, Georgie. it was a great time.
the Crash Kings live chat that happened this morning!!! i can't believe i didn't blog to tell you about it. or did i? did i mention it? i can't remember. anyways, it was the first ever live video chat that the guys were doing.
it was starting at 2pm EST, so i set my alarm for 11:40, knowing that i would probably sleep through the alarm, but most likely wouldn't sleep past 2pm.
lo and behold, i slept through my alarm. didn't wake up until 2:20 EST. i literally JUMPED out of bed, ran to my computer and immediately started watching. i was super bummed i had missed the beginning.
it was only Mike and Jason! i was curious as to where Tony was. AND, Mike had this parrot crawling all over him. it was a pretty bird, i guess. her name was La Nina and she seemed to really like Mike. he would give her kisses. aw, it was kind of sweet, i guess.
Jason, Mike, La Nina.
the chat took place in Mike's backyard, which is lovely and tree covered. it was really cool to see the guys in a casual, not being formally interviewed atmosphere. Jason talked about playing drums barefoot. Mike talked about playing bass shirtless (and said "it would rule" if the Crash Queens shouted for him to take his shirt off. it was in response to Ryan saying that there would be Crash Queens at the North East shows asking for shirtlessness.) this made me giggle. Mike is so cute it's ridiculous.
so, where was Tony, you ask? ummm. he is currently in Michigan doing video edits for the 'You Got Me' video. Michigan? really? that's kind of a random place to be. Mike and Jason said he was there on Official Crash Kings business.
and then, Tony tweeted after the chat was over, saying he was in Ann Arbor doing video edits.
this made me VERY excited because for some strange reason, Twitter thinks I'M in Ann Arbor, too. such a random place, right? like, of all the random places that Twitter could think i'm in, it's Ann Arbor. and of all the random places for Tony to edit the music video, he's in Ann Arbor.
SO, my friends, I'm naming this the first official sign that Tony and i are soul mates. simple as that. ♥
and so since i've been researching the city this past week, i decided to recommend this ice cream place for Tony to go.
this place! they have Key Lime Pie frozen yogurt that i really want to try. i seriously already had this picture saved on my computer because i tweeted that i was there last week! this is for real.
yep. so, that's the news. who knew Ann Arbor would play such an important role in my life?! it's great. and if Tony and i have a daughter, we can name her Arbor. i like this plan.
speaking of life plans, i decided that i want to move to Venice, CA and live on one of the canals. yep, just like Ashton Kutcher's character in Valentine's Day. which i saw. and loved.
and so i went on craigslist (CEO from Ann Arbor) and found an apartment overlooking one of the canals. it's going for $3200 a month. so, i'd need a roommate. or like, 5 roommates. yeah, 5 roomies could work. it's only a 2 bedroom. we'd have to put up some room dividers, i guess. it says there's a storage area on the side of the house. that could work.
yep, this is what i do in my spare time. plan my fake life. i should write a series of books about how to procrastinate, and one of them would be a step-by-step guide to planning your fake life.
Using Your Procrastination Time Wisely
By, Julie Evans
Volume 1: Planning your fake life!
Volume 2: Planning your fake wedding!
Volume 3: Starting a blog!
yep. college kids would worship me. i think this is kind of funny. Using Your Procrastination Time Wisely. haha. people love series of books!
i have wedding venues picked out all across the world. it's true. it may be pathetic, but it's true. although, no venue in Ann Arbor. i should get on that.
this is what you get when your job in college was an overnight student lounge monitor. this is also what you get when your real-life job is an overnight supervisor.
basically i need to pick jobs that don't require me sitting online, planning my better life. because this is what i do. and then i get sad that my real-life isn't as great as my fake-life. and this is why i GET NOTHING PRODUCTIVE DONE EVER. this is also why i am 100% Pisces. i am daydreaming my life away.
anyways, i'll work on my Ann Arbor wedding. not saying we'll get married there. but, still. it's good to have a back-up plan.
SO. i'm doing anything today. i had a busy morning. i woke up at 7:25am because the electrician was here again. his name is Mike. i kind of have a crush on him after meeting him twice in the very early morning hours. he's a nice guy. and handy!
and then i got back into bed around 7:40am. and then about 5 minutes later, the baby started fussing on the baby monitor and i got a call from his mother asking if i could come downstairs to watch him while she slept.
i told her yes. so, then i went downstairs and got the baby. he was fussy because he had a little upset tummy. how do i know this? because he spit up everywhere! awesome. so then i had to change his clothes. and then he felt better, so i rocked him to sleep.
then i went back upstairs to my apartment and my dad was awake and suggested that we go out for breakfast, since i was now off shift. so we did! we went to the Stone Arch Bakey. holy crap it was sooo hott and muggy outside. it started raining because of it. groooossss. this bakery is right in town and makes delicious bread.
then we came home, and i went back to sleep. and then i almost missed the Crash Kings chat and now you're up to speed!!
it's been a good day. except i was doing dishes this afternoon and found two earwigs. UGH. remember last summer how they were EVERYWHERE?!?! like, sometimes i was killing as many as 7 a night. and they are so gross and creepy looking. i was not happy about finding them today.
i think Kara might come up to visit this week! i would really love that.
hm. okay. i think that's all for now. i might take a bath tonight. watch a movie. actually, i might eat something right now. i'm hungry.
OKAY! hope you are having a lovely, wonderful day! i will talk to you all sooonnnn!!!!!
ps: i totally rocked the symbols in this post. cool or uncool?
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