23 January 2010

"that's pretty girl..um, uh...pretty good!"

quickly, because i am tired. it's not even 3am and i'm ready to sleep. went to bed around 4:45 saturday morning. that's late. and i've gone to bed at that time, i think 3 times this week.

ANYWAYS. today was a good day. a good, movie-watching day.

i woke up and me and my dad watched Star Trek.

then we got ready and had to go to Wal-Mart. yuck. i needed three trash cans. why? because i'm going to get better about recycling. before, i was just using big boxes inside a closet. and eventually the closet became the recycling box.

and so last night i went through the closet and recycled everything. from like, a long time ago. like, some things from summer, i think.

and so to help me get better about this, i thought i might get some trash cans. it might make me more neater. and all three cans fit in the closet! perf! and they're white and i'm going to paint them with the proper labels. such as, "paper!" or, "tin and glass!" or, "plastic!" i'm excited about this new project.

i also bought a cork board. because every time i go home i mean to bring mine back, and every time i forget. and it's been like, 14 months of forgetting. plus, there was a time that someone thought my cork board was a scratching post, and so a part of it is all clawed up. but now i have a new one!

and i have a large folder with all my cork board stuff in it. i remember packing it away during my last days at Hampshire. and on the folder i wrote, "cord board fanfare." it just seemed like the right thing to call it.

i'm pretty excited to hang everything again.

MORE EXCITING NEWS: i got our Crash Kings tickets in the mail today! ONE WEEK! oh man i cannot wait.

and the best part?! is that after the show is over, we won't have to be totally sad about not knowing the next time we'll see them - because we're seeing them again on thursday!

Crash Kings have this West Coast fan named Julie who has been to like, 12 of their shows or something. i discovered this on youtube tonight. she's awesome, because she'll like, fly from LA to san francisco to see them play. super fan! and - her name is Julie. (that's my name too)

and i saw this one video entitled, "tony from crash kings dedicates a song to me!" or something like that. and so i was like, "what is this all about!?" so, i watched the video, and he TOTALLY dedicates it to this girl named Julie! and he's like, "this one is for Julie...Julie came all the way from LA to see us tonight...Let's hear it for Julie!"

oh how i wished he was meaning me when he was saying those words. maybe one day he will...


SOMETHING EVEN MORE EXCITING:: tonight - 23 january 2010 - marks the SECOND TIME Darren from Phantom Planet and I have had a twitter conversation.

YES, THAT'S RIGHT. me and darren, chatting it up via tweets.

it went

then him
then me
then him
then me

WHOA! i know, right?!!?! he responded TWICE.

so, he was tweeting all this stuff about the show Lost - darren is a HUGE lost fan - and all his theories and all different articles about paranormal things related to Lost. specifically these articles about the lost city of Atlantis and it's possible connection to the Bermuda Triangle, and also to the pyramids in Egypt.

it was actually really interesting stuff. because, if you remember that entry where i found some of my journals from high school and i mapped out my life plan... one of the things on my "life check-list" was FIND ATLANTIS.

well, these articles suggested that there is a secret chamber hidden beneath the right paw of the Sphinx in Egypt that contains the Atlantis "Hall of Records."

but what they also suggested was that Atlantis lies waaaay beneath the Bermuda Triangle and continues to give off such a powerful energy source, and that's why there's so much strange activity above sea level.

it actually kind of makes a lot of sense. because i guess back in september there were some pictures taken of the water off the coast of Bimini and there were all these strange rock structures that they found, which they think is an old harbor, from when the water was a lower level. cool, right?

anyways - Darren thinks that Lost is all taking place in Atlantis. and so i asked him,

JULIE: Do you think that Lost is actually taking place in the Bermuda Triangle?
and he said,
DARREN: I couldn't say. But it doesn't seem too far off.

i know - wow. and so then i was reading more and more and thought about that Disney movie Atlantis, and how they thought it was over by Iceland. member, at first they thought it was iReland. but then realized the R was C.

and i thought, 'i wonder if darren ever saw Atlantis?' and then i thought, 'i could never ask him that because it's too embarrassing.' and then i thought, 'wait, what do i care? i don't even know him at all.'

JULIE: ever see that Disney movie 'Atlantis?'
and he said,

great, right?! and then i just said that it was fun and i would recommend it. and i didn't get a response, so i'm assuming he thinks i'm a total lame-o. do i care? actually, no.

i'm just so freaking excited that he answered me TWICE. that's awesome, right? RIGHT.

oh man. the best.

mix 'tweeting with darren' with the 'robert schwartzman is following you on twitter' email and it's like the perfect storm of online interacting with celebs. um, heck yeah it's been a good weekend.

and it's even cooler because Darren and Robert know each other!!!

oh man. too much. too many cute los angeles hipster musician boys for one weekend. what's that you say? you can never have too many cute los angeles hipster musician boys? oh, i suppose you're right.


oh man. i can't even talk about it. it's going to be so good. so much Tony and Mike. luvs it.


ANOTHER COOL THING: i bought nail polish today. it's called 'gunmetal.' YEP. super excited. it's a bit shimmery, which normally would be exactly what i want, but in the case of grey, i wanted a non-shimmery kind. but, we'll see. it might be totes the best.

oh man. Darren and Robert. i can't believe it. how amazing is Twitter? it's amazing. and it's even more amazing for connecting you to your favorite celebs!

Darren is good about responding to people. i've gotten responses from him, and a response from Coconut Records. those are the only two celeb responses. i've also tweeted Rooney and Crash Kings - and no response.

but YOU BET that i will tweet a song request for Crash Kings at the Boston show next week. and if they don't play it? well, then i will go up to Tony after the show and ask them to play it in Providence. yeah i will.

i tweeted a song request to Rooney before the boston show and they didn't play it. eh, whatevs.

Crash Kings are playing in Providence with this band called Violent Soho. from Queensland. i listened to their songs on their myspace. it was all loud guitar and screaming. i couldn't get through one song.

i feel that this might be a problem in future Crash Kings shows. they're not a "screamy" band, but they're a loud band. i remember during their set at The Middle East, you could feel the music in your chest. it was so loud. and ok, sometimes Tony can get screamy. but, it's a good screamy. not like, heavy metal screamy. like, 'screamy like a guy rocking out on the piano' screamy.

and even then, they can play a screamy song like '14 Arms' (which, is one of my favorites, actually), and then go and play a beautiful, romantic song like 'My Love.' (also one of my favorites)

ok, every song is my fave.

ok, i'm going to sleep now.

i told myself i would go to sleep at 3am. and it's not 3:32am. surprisingly, i'm not tired anymore. member i started this and i was like, "this is going to be quick because i'm really tired."

yeah, not anymore. but, i'm going to try and make myself go to sleep. i think i can. i'm tired, but my eyes aren't burning anymore. which makes me want to keep them open and not closed.

ANYWAYS. whatever,

man, i really want sushi. i've been really wanting sushi lately. i should buy it sometimes.

what was that place in downtown Northampton that had chinese and japanese food? Teapot? The Teapot? is that right? it was like, on the same side of the street at CVS, i think. but more by the Bueno y Sano end. i think that's right. maybe not.

man, i miss Amherst so much.

ok. 3:38am. now i have to go to sleep.

hope everybody has a wonderful weekend end.

oh, i just thought of more to tell you. it'll wait. and i won't forget.

ok! goodnight! have a great day!


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