25 December 2009

wish it was christmas today

oh wait, it is! happy christmas, dear readers.

i'm just starting to feel like i'm crashing. i got into bed at 2:20am. fell asleep by 2:45. woke up at 7:20am. down to work at 8! and now it's 11am.

it's been a hectic morning. running around, helping to get the little girls ready so they could get out the door with their mother. breakfast and bathtime and getting dressed and carseats in the car. yikes. they looked so pretty in their christmas dresses.

so, they just left. the other resident is upstairs. i could take a nap right now.

i couldn't wait any longer last night and had to give Ruby Tuesday her new toy. it's this bird that you throw, and when it hits the ground it makes a chirping noise. OMG. she LOVES it. and it has a jingle bell on it. it was all over the house last night, chirping and jingling.

and Ruby finally discovered the open window above the sink that goes into the bathroom. she was sitting up there most of the night. and then again this morning. and when i went out into the kitchen to wash her bowls so i could give her some breakfast, her leopard print toy that she loves so much was in the sink. i laughed a lot. she carried it up onto the counter with her!!! aw she's so cute.

ok. i'm tired. it's 11:05am. 11 more hours of work today!! and then i can go home. and hopefully go to bed early.

at least the morning went by quickly. that's the part that i was worried about. once it hits afternoon, we'll have stuff to do.

mornings just go by so slow. because nobody should be awake. that's why. it should be sleeping time at least until 11am.

so, we're going to see Sherlock Holmes today. i'm looking forward to it. Jude. Robert. yeah, that's nice. i think the show is at like, 7. and we'll try and eat beforehand, i guess. she still wants pizza. and i still don't know if pizza places are open today. i guess we'll find out.

i made coffee this morning before i left my apartment. so that was nice. and then i made a bagel when i got downstairs. that was nice too. a never have bagels so it was a nice christmas treat.

i really hope i can go home tomorrow. it's supposed to be "ice pellets" all day. that's what it says on the weather website. i don't want to drive if it's bad weather. if i don't end up going home, i guess i'll call my boss tomorrow morning and tell her that i don't need the night off. i hope i can go home.

what else?

11:27am now.

so remember how yesterday i said that i "liked" Julian Casablancas? yeah. not true. i love him. i can't stop listening to this one song. 'Out of the Blue.' LOVE IT. "how can you be so perfect for me?" great lyric.

and, while i was reading about my new friend Julian, i learned that he is married to a girl named Juliet. isn't that perfect? Julian and Juliet Casablancas. it's like, the best. it's official - they have the most beautiful names ever. and they are expecting a baby next month! i am very excited for them. maybe it will be born on the same day as Ned's baby.

and last night at dinner, i was whistling the tune of a Julian Casablancas song to the little girls. and they loved it!!! they had the biggest smiles. i think it was more due to the act of whistling rather than the tune. (they both made kissy faces and started blowing. it was the cutest.)

but still! Julian Casablancas - babies love him. what a great personal slogan.

OK. we're going out for Chinese. i just tried calling the pizza place and there was no answer. chinese it is!!!

so, we're headed into Vermont. yum.

i'm sure i'll talk to you later. i still have 10 hours of work before my overnight 10 hours of work.

have a great day!!!


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