23 November 2009

oh night divine

what a great night! tonight is monday. this is my last overnight until SUNDAY. that's right, folks. i have a real mini-vaca. it's going to be wonderful. and filled with lots of cooking, lots of relaxing, and lots of Veronica Mars season 2 with Kara.

it's thanksgiving week!! i'm cooking everything, just like i did last year. i plan to tweet my way through it. however, our thanksgiving will be held on Friday. kara is working on thursday and we decided to have dinner on friday instead. so, i'll most likely be cooking all day thursday, when you're all eating.

but! great news about friday = JONAS MARATHON. don't ask me how i know this. i definitely wasn't thinking to myself, "i'm going to be in a house with cable tv all week, i should check with Jonas is on." nope. that thought never crossed my mind.

but! if the information on disney.com is correct, it's an afternoon full of episodes i haven't seen yet!!!!!

i'm pretty excited. i'm so thankful i discovered that show. it has really brightened my life.

anyways. back to thanksgiving dinner. last year i was feeling pretty ambitious and wanted to cook the whole dinner, expecting it to be a huge failure.

it was pretty much the exact opposite. it kind of rocked. and i kind of rocked it. i planned everything out ahead so i was not stressed or rushed. i plan to do the same this year. as much as i hate cooking and baking, i'm kind of good at it. i must admit.

and really as much as i don't like thanksgiving food, i really enjoyed cooking it all. so! here's hoping for the same luck this year.

kara's making the dessert, though. and i hope the mashed potatoes. she wanted to make apple crisp with homemade maple ice cream. and i said, "no. make a caramel cake with chocolate mousse and homemade maple ice cream." and she said, "ok." so that's what she's making.

oh i'm so excited to go home!!!!!!! feeling super anxious and guilty about leaving Ruby Tuesday, though. i wish her and her big sister Chowder got along. i have three people coming in to check on her, though. so she should be fine. i'll just miss her a lot.

other than thanksgiving and the jonas marathon, 2 other exciting things are happening this week!!!!!

1. Fantastic Mr. Fox opens. you should all go see it. kate bosworth and alexander skarsgard saw it together over the weekend. and i'm going to see it with kara this week. that should be enough motive for you all. (plus JASON and MERYL.)

2. the Rooney tour starts!!!!!! on friday!!! in los angeles!!!!! in just a few short weeks, KARA AND I will see Rooney in Cambridge!!!! it's going to be the best. i'm soooo excited.

what a great week, right?

i did lots of cleaning today. cleaned out my kitchen, living room, and bedroom. i must admit, my apartment looks really nice and big when it's cleaned. i should post pictures for you all sometime.

and i packed up my stuff to bring home so i don't have to do it in the morning or afternoon before i leave. aren't i sooo on top of things??? yeah. there was not a lot of Glee watching today.

actually, i still had time to watch:

1. Heroes
2. Glee x2 episodes
3. Grey's Anatomy

so, i'm all caught up with Glee now!!! (sunday was a marathon day, just like planned.)

and i know who they should write on a guest spot!!!! JOEL GREY!!!!! yes yesyes!! i know, i'm totes brillz. last season he had a guest spot on Private Practice, and just like, two weeks ago he was on Grey's Anatomy as Izzie's science teacher from high school!!!! and he's a superstar!!! he should come on as a former Glee club teacher and there should be a showdown between him and Mr. Schuester. yes! hello Glee writing team, please read my blog. i have great ideas for you all.

he should have been in the episode when they sang Defying Gravity. since he was in the original cast of Wicked. or, that's when they should have had Kristen Chenoweth on.

i really liked Kurt's dad in that episode. he really stood up for Kurt.


so, the other night i had a dream that me and Kara were just walking outside, and then all of a sudden out of nowhere, this huge, mean wolf started following us. he was like one of the wolves from Beauty and the Beast. he had sharp teeth and sharp claws. and so we had to get on the roof to get away from him. and then he jumped on the roof. and then i woke up.

so naturally, i looked up 'wolf' in the dream dictionary. here's what i found:

To see a wolf in your dream, symbolizes survival, beauty, solitude, mystery, self-confidence and pride. You are able to keep your composure in a variety of social circumstances and blend into any situation with ease and grace. You are also a loner by choice. Negatively, the wolf represents hostility, aggression, or sneakiness. It may reflect an uncontrollable force or situation in your life.

so. yep. i'm a loner.

my goal is to be asleep by 3am. wake up between 11-11:30. finish some things before staff meeting. staff meeting ends at 3:30. hopefully on the road by 4.

last night, i was so tired and i wasn't really feeling great. i've been all stuffy and sneezy. so i got into bed at like, 2:30am. and i didn't get to sleep until after 4. bummer. i watched the newspaper guy drive all around the neighborhood. not in a creepster way. you can seriously hear that car a mile away. it's so loud.

anyways. what else.

what are you all doing for thanksgiving????? tell me!! i really want to know. what are you all doing to celebrate the opening of Fantastic Mr. Fox?? kara asked me to bring home the Darjeeling Limited.

i might start watching True Blood. now that Veronica Mars and Freaks and Geeks are done. i need a tv show. i think it might be true blood. although, i'm worried it's too scary and bloody. someone convince me otherwise.

also, today has been a week since i started cleaning my earring with alcohol three times a day, and switched from the stainless steel post to a 14k gold post. and, i am proud to say, i no longer have gangrene. i cured it myself!!! the hole is no longer black. the bump is not swollen, red and hurting. i can sleep on my left side again!!!!

so, on the back of the alcohol it only says to use it for a week. so, i'm going to take a few days off and see how we hold up.

ok. it's 2:02am. i think i am going to take some cold medicine and go to bed. or maybe just ibuprofen. i haven't decided yet.

hey, last night i watched this movie on instant netflix called, The Babysitters. it was about this teenage babysitting service that turns into a call girl service!!! at first i wasn't sure about it. but, two of my friends on netflix really liked it. so, i thought i would give it a try. i also really liked it! it was kind of crazy. the deal was, these girls would babysit the kids, and then when the husbands drove them home, they would have sex. John Leguizamo was the main dad. and Cynthia Nixon was his wife. it was a pretty good movie.

Ruby has been doing this thing lately where she absolutely needs to get under the sink. in the cabinets. and she sits in front of the doors and opens them and lets them slam shut like, a million times before finally going in. and it makes me so nervous because it's so dirty there. this is the sink that was leaking a few months ago. so, it's all grimy and dirty. like, the pipes. and i don't like it when she does it.

and i tried putting an elastic band around the door handles. but she chewed through it. i'm just going to leave it, i think. if she wants to sit in there, so be it. i don't want her stressed out about it while i'm gone.

ok. 2:11am. i think now i'm going to go to bed. i think i might be able to sleep. i'm tired. and i don't feel great.

so! i'll hopefully update from maine. i will. because my mom and kara have to get up early for work. and they leave me alone. and i get wireless in my bed, unlike here.

alright! have a great tuesday!!!!!

oh i'm so excited for this week. i can't wait i can't wait.

ok! i'll talk to everybody later. have a great day :)



  1. Julie,
    I don't remember if I commented here about True Blood before or not. Renee and I watched the first season a month or so ago. It is fairly bloody and I think there are supposed to be things in it that are scary but they are not. Renee is really anti-scary things and she loved the show. It is very silly in an unintentional way sometimes, and overly dramatic but very addicting. I felt like I didn't really like it but I had to watch the whole thing and will watch season 2 when it comes out on DVD. I would say go for it.

  2. Yeah, True Blood is great! It is scary sometimes, but I'm a wuss when it comes to scary things, and I can handle it. It's very addictive and very fun. Check it out!


thanks for the comment! you're the best!!