29 October 2009


this has to be quick:

1. Started season 3 of Veronica Mars TODAY. love it so far. and Neil from Freaks and Geeks was in an episode! crazy! also, Dell from Private Practice. AND, the creepy janitor from Season 2 is now the TA for Veronica's criminology class? for realz? i'm glad that Veronica and Mac are such good friends. i like her a lot.

2. i'm watching the newborn baby overnight tonight. yep, he's here with me right now! sleeper mcgee. i'd be sleeper mcgee too if i just ate 3 1/4 oz of formula. (ps: yuck!) we cuddled together through two episodes of VM. he's really sweet. SUCH a good baby. i put him in his bouncy seat right now though, because i think i am going to go to bed soon and i wanted him to fall asleep there. i was supposed to give him back to his mom around 4 or 5 am, but i'm hoping that he'll sleep until 6. then i'll give him back.

3. went out for chinese food tonight with the whole gang. another coworker came along with her oh-so-beautiful baby girl. it was busy. hectic. lots of babies. kind of tough. but free food!

4. so, i'm working thursday 3:30pm until 8am friday and then i have TWO DAYS OFF. i am super looking forward to this. this means nights off too. YES. two nights off!

5. listening to my baby lullabye playlist on my ipod.

6. i mean....nope, i don't have a lullabye playlist on my ipod. where'd ya get that idea? you crazy.

7. ok. i'm pretty tired. and i think i need to change a diaper.

8. talk to you tomorrow friends! have great thursdays!

9. OH! frack, i have something else to tell you but it will take too long. REMIND ME to tell you about the tv survey. remember? i took that survey and they sent me $2!!? WELL, there's a part 2. get excited!

10. to be continued....


1 comment:

thanks for the comment! you're the best!!