26 September 2009

'if you shake kara hard enough she will appear'

KARA'S HERE!!!! tonight! we did it!!! we got her to come visit me!!! she arrived around 11:40pm saturday night.

AND! she just sent an @ message to ROONEY!!! on twitter!!! i can't believe she did it! she was telling me that a lot of their new songs remind her of David Bowie. and i was like, "well, you should tell him that." and she was like, "okay." and then she just DID IT!!!! i am impressed. it took me like, a whole day to work up the courage to message Darren.

and now is the hard part.....waiting for them to respond. OMG. i can't wait.

today was a fine day. i slept most of it.

well, i woke up at 7:35am. got dressed. meaning changed into my sweatpants. went downstairs. drove to 35 miles into vermont. very, very foggy. back at the house by 9:30am. presented the Baby think it over to our resident. she was excited at first. but, then, the baby started crying. then she was definitely not excited.

and then he wouldn't stop crying. so, i knew something was wrong. so, we let him cry for 27 minutes before i stopped him. there was nothing that could be done. we don't have the right kind of diapers for him. the diapers that came with the baby have this chip in them so the computer chip in the baby detects that he's wearing a diaper. but, the ones we have don't have the chip. so, he cries and cries and cries because the computer says he's not wearing a diaper. so, we need special diapers. and i think it was working for me yesterday because i was just using it in practice mode. and, the practice mode isn't long enough for it to detect a diaper.

so, i was bummed about this because i worked hard to figure out how to program it.

anyways. so, i went back to bed at noontime. and slept until 5:07pm. i know! so long! i wasn't expecting that.

then i hung around. ate some cucumber. talked to my mom and kara on the phone. got dressed. went to the grocery store to buy stuff to make guac with those avocados i have.

i made the guac. watched Grey's from this past week. CRIED A LOT. like, wow. i mean, i knew it was going to be sad. and i was prepared. but like, the SECOND it started, i started crying. and didn't really stop until 43 minutes later. i just kept thinking of the scene from last season when Merideth realizes that it's George who's been hit by the bus. yeah. lots of crying. buckets.

Dr. Bailey just kills me. i love her so much. when she gets upset - then it's really bad because then i get really upset. she's so great.


kara and i are going to watch Heroes together at some point during her visit. i'm excited.

we're also going to go see Julie and Julia, i believe. it's playing in Hanover. i haven't been to Hanover since Dartmouth has been in session. i'm assuming it's pretty crazy-full of hotties.

anyways. how are you?

we've been checking the twitter every 5 minutes. can't wait for a response!!!!

okay. so, not sure about how much blogging i'll do when kara's here. we usually have pretty full days.

i hope you have a great rest of your weekend! don't forget that megan fox was on the season premiere of SNL tonight! i didn't watch it, but maybe you did. or, maybe you'd be interested in watching some of the clips. i'm sure they'll be on hulu. i predict a lot of "megan is so hott" jokes.

i don't even think she's that pretty. for realz. i can't stand her.

ok. OH!!!! Ben Lee's wife had her baby!!!! Goldie Lee. i think it's a pretty name. his wife is Ione Skye. from Say Anything. i was very excited to read that. and he posted a picture on myspace that's very cute.

okay. i'll talk to you later. have a great day. i'll talk to you soon!!!!

<3, J.

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