15 August 2009

lucky you

wow, what an awesome post i had to leave you with. all that interesting info about drugs.

anyways. this has to be a quick one while he's away, because i have a little baby with me right now and she could wake up any minute!

this is the little baby that i took care of a while back. like, beginning of May-ish. when she was really little. she's five months now and sooo big! i can't believe it. i think she might have remembered me because she almost immediately gave me a big smile, and her mom said she doesn't smile very often.

she had a bottle. then we played for a little while. she was like, dancing all over the place. then she started to get fussy. it was only because she was tired and wanted to go to sleep. so, i laid her down and put her soft bunny next to her and she fell right to sleep. she's so beautiful.

anyways, i have her until 4. not too much longer.

THEN, we have big plans for tonight. Courtney and I are taking our two residents to the DRIVE-IN MOVIE THEATER. the girl who really wanted to go only wanted to go with either me or courtney or both of us. so, we had to wait for a weekend when all of us are available. and, it's tonight.

i think we're going to Weirs Beach, NH, which is about an hour twenty minutes away. there's another drive-in in Fairlee, VT, which is a lot closer and less expensive. but, it's not as big as Weirs Beach. so, i don't know. Courtney was going to talk to them about it this afternoon.

SO, we're either seeing:

District 9 and The Ugly Truth
G-Force and The Proposal

i'm kind of scared to see District 9. i guess it's supposed to be super good, though. maybe it won't be so bad seeing it inside a car. who knows. we shall see.

so, last night i watched this movie called Giganic. with Paul Dano and Zooey Deschanel. it was really good. Paul Dano was this guy who had been trying to adopt a baby from China and then he meets Zooey and is totally in love with her (just like every other guy in all her movies) and they have this quirky relationship. it was a sweet movie. it can be watched instantly online with your Netflix membership.

so, Ruby Tuesday was very interested in the baby. especially when she got fussy. she would come over to her and just stare. i told her last night that there was going to be a little baby here and that she had to be nice, but i think she must have forgotten, because she looked pretty surprised at the whole situation. they're both sleeping now.

well, alright. hope you all are having a great weekend. i can't believe it's saturday already. another week has gone by. it's like, mid-august. cr-azy.

ok. have a nice night. i'm sure i'll talk to you later.


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