04 July 2009

is that a wand in your pocket?

OK. i just read an article about sexuality in the Harry Potter movies. it asks the question, "does anyone want this?" meaning, sex. in the HARRY POTTER MOVIES.

let me use my powers as a master blogger to speak for the entire world.


notice how i even put the first 'no' in bold. and i hate using bold. it's only for extreme situations.

this next HP movie is rated PG. why are we even asking ourselves this question?!?! these Hogwarts kids ARE STILL KIDS. kids will go see this movie. there is no need to sex up the plot.

there is no need to sex up ANY PG movie. COME ON ratings board!!! get it together! the way that films are being rated nowadays is seriously upsetting me.

just given the content in the sixth Harry Potter book the movie should have been rated PG-13.

there is a DEATH in this book. a serious death of a beloved character. if we look back to the fourth movie (which was rated pg-13) there was a death of a student. that was upsetting. a kid died. to be more specific, it was the hottie from Twilight, so that made it even worse.

the past two HP's have been pg-13. the plot only gets darker and scarier. yet this movie is rated pg. what?! how does this make sense?? Harry is angry in this one. he gets all emotional and angsty on us. he's what like, 16 in this one? 16 or 17?

i don't know why these film ratings really bother me. i've been bothered all year. and once in a while it just really gets to me. like now. take us back to last summer, when The Dark Knight was released. man, that should've been R. that was an intense psychologically disturbing film. violent and dark. and yet it was rated the same as Mamma Mia!? really? does this not make sense to anyone else??

i remember writing an essay my sophomore year in high school called something like, "is there too much violence in children's movies?" and the answer was YES. and i thought this when i was a sophomore. i believe i used Sleeping Beauty and The Lion King as examples. and this was like, 8 years ago!

clearly i need to be the president of the ratings board pronto.

let's even think about our TV shows. since i'm currently re-watching Heroes, let's take that one. what the heck would that be rated if it was in movie-form?? i vote R. the ep i watched last night included an image of a woman hanging upside down, her skull ripped open and blood pouring down her arm onto the floor. great! let's put that on tv so everyone can watch!!!


even language. this also bothers me. violent language in movies. swearing all over the place for everyone to hear. i try, try, try my best not to swear at all because i really don't like the way it makes me feel. i always feel like i'm letting myself down when i swear. i guess that's more personal.

but still.

dear ratings board: smarten up.
dear parents: pay attention.

love to you and everyone because there's not enough of it,

1 comment:

thanks for the comment! you're the best!!