27 June 2009

where's the italian?

oh, hi. i didn't see you there.

have a good friday? mine was decent.

- 5am - finally am tired enough to go to sleep
- 7.20am - wake up.
- 10am - finally go back to sleep
- 1pm - alarm goes off. shut off alarm.
- 1.58pm - wake up. get up.

it was a very stressful sleep. the past three nights have been stressful sleeps. because when i wake up all i can think is, "UGH WHY CAN'T I FALL BACK TO SLEEP!?!?" and i get angry about it.

one of the reasons i get angry is because my eye mask is too big. so it's always falling off. and i get really frustrated. like, really frustrated. and so finally tonight, i sewed it so it was tighter. i'm hoping this will help.

didn't do much today. around 7 or so i went downstairs to hang out with Courtney. there is only one resident here this weekend, so last night she told me that they weren't going to be doing much else but hanging around and watching movies. so, i said that i would come hang out with them. and i did! and it was fun.

and just after 8 o'clock, the president of the board stopped by with hamburgers, hot dogs, cheese, pasta salad and rolls from some company picnic. so that was nice. it was like a faux bbq.

tomorrow the plan is to wake up early and go to the post office. i'm thinking that if i wake up and can't get back to sleep right away, then i'll use that time to go to the post office and then i'll come back and try and sleep. i have three netflix coming:
- the wrestler
- forgetting sarah marshall
- season 2, disc 1 of entourage

so, i didn't know that forgetting sarah marshall was a judd apatow film. i saw that just tonight and i got a little less excited to see it. but, hey - i'm going to watch it with an open mind. it has Marshall from How I Met Your Mother. and it also has the voice of Gossip Girl, which i didn't realize until tonight either. and also, Paul Rudd. and he's a hottie.


so, last night i had this weird dream that i went to the doctor's for my allergies and they discovered that the source of my allergies was from this rare fluid in my wrists. and the only solution was to cut off my hands and drain it out.

so, they cut off my hands and drained my wrists. and then they sewed my hands back on. and i can remember moving my fingers for the first time after the surgery and how weird it was. and also how creepy it was. and i had these huge staples and stitches in my wrists. and i think my arms were a bit shorter.

so when i woke up i looked up what this all meant:

HANDS: hands represent communication; your relationship to others and the world around you. detached or disembodied hands means that you feel you have trouble getting your point across and nobody understands you. also symbolizes feelings of lonliness.

DISMEMBERMENT: some situation or circumstance in your waking life is falling apart. you feel cut off, isolated and disempowered.

so, i read this and thought, "hm, hands mean communication. dismemberment means cut off. hm, my cell phone isn't working." that was the most obvious. but, in the dream it was like a good thing that my hands were being cut off, because then it meant a cure to my allergies once they drained my wrists. so, overall, it's good that i'm feeling cut off from the world because i hate my cell phone.

anyways. the other two girls who have been in the house all week also have been having trouble sleeping. i guess it could be something to do with the house and not with my allergies. i don't know. no, i think it's the allergy medication.

hm. i guess i'll try and go to bed now. hope you all have great saturdays. i'll talk to you sooon.


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