20 May 2009

pretty lame

i know, i know. i promised you the part 2 update and i haven't given it to you. YET. i'm too busy and tired. but let's recap some exciting things i've done over the past few days:

1. became red cross certified in first aid.
2. wrote 3 songs and finished recording a cd with andrew.
3. make 4 possible red earring choices for kerianne's wedding.
4. watched A Chorus Line.
5. bought a pair of yoga pants for all the non-yoga i will be doing.
6. made my student loan payment early because it's due while i am away.

hooray for me. tonight is thursday, i think. tonight i am going to be certified in water safety. it's summertime, and that's when some people like to go swimming.

anyways. i think i will eventually need another bead case. i have soooo many beads!! (i am saying BEADS, not BEES, for all you Gobs reading....) and they are all gorgeous. i just want to quit everything and become a jewelery maker. and also a broadway star.

actually, i really just want Michael Douglas's job where he just sits at the desk in the audience and judges people. i guess that could also be Simon Cowell.

the bottom of my toes have cuts on them and they hurt when i walk. i've tried putting band-aids on them but they just fall off immediately. that's my sad news.

aliya is coming up tonight!!!! we are going to make curtains for my living room. i'm pretty excited about this.

i'm supposed to get the movie Incendiary in the mail today. this is the one with Michelle Williams and Ewan Mcgregor. where she is having an affair with him and she's married and has a little boy. and then one day when she's away with Ewan, her husband and son are killed in a terrorist bombing and she never forgives herself for not being there with them. the first time i saw the preview i cried my eyes out. so, we'll see how the movie goes.

i'll hopefully also get Last Chance Harvey on saturday. i'm excited to see it because i want Emma Thompson to be my best friend.

ok. i prrrrrromise that the part 2 update will be coming soon. WITH PICTURES. oh, it will be great.

have a nice day. i hear it's supposed to be hott and sunny. dreadful.


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