14 May 2009

dreamy day

my horoscope for friday tells me to

1. get a haircut
2. daydream all day in order to let the universe know what i want in my life

best day ever? totally. i had actually been thinking about getting a haircut. more like a trim, of course. today i straightened my hair and i exclaimed, 'i have mermaid hair!' it was so long. best thing ever. but, it does need to be cut. last time i had it cut was in Amherst. i think that was last spring. when i went with Kerianne and Elizabeth and then i was late for my 8-11 shift in the APL.

and i can totally daydream all day. i do that every day. i would guess the universe is pretty sick of seeing what my perfect life would be like. actually, nevermind. i don't even know what my perfect life would be like. i have to figure out what i want to do.

hey! it's Courtney's birthday today!!!! i'm very excited for her. she has friday, saturday, sunday and monday off!!!!! Courtney just got a haircut earlier this week. i should have asked her where she got it. i'm glad we're working together every Thursday now.

tonight, i went to Hollywood Video to return some movies, and that was all. i didn't even go in and buy 8 thousand movies. i quite surprised myself. AND LAST WEEK. i was in the drive thru at dunkers and i could see over to Hollywood Video and they had many signs outside that said, "DVD SALE TODAY!!!!" and i didn't even go. I DIDN'T GO. i think it was the most self control i've ever shown in my whole life. a dvd sale and i didn't go. i still can't believe it. what was i thinking??? what was happening in my life that was better than a dvd sale?? i can't even remember. that probably means i should have gone to the dvd sale. because at least then, i would remember what movies i bought. whereas now, i can't even remember what great event pulled me away from the dvd sale!

anyways. maybe i'm a changing girl. changling. not really though. not at all.

the pregnant girl here today found out she's having a boy. she was really excited because that's what she wanted. it was exciting. it was the first time i had ever really seen her excited about being pregnant. she was so happy to show me her ultrasound pictures. they are beautiful. it's so crazy to see his little foot and little legs. she's definitely starting to show.

the toddler's mother has been having to sign incident reports at the toddler's daycare, though. i guess she's been biting other kids. yikes.

i had to go to wal-mart tonight to pick up a prescription for a baby. there was a very nice gentleman working and he was wearing a yellow shirt. he was helpful and enjoyable to talk to. i asked if i could pay some with cash and some with credit to which he replied,

YELLOW SHIRT PHARMACIST: Of course. We also accept tips.

it just made me laugh.

OMG. last night, i had a bad dream. i had a dream that i was away from the house for a while, and when i came back, it was covered in bed bugs. but not normal sized bed bugs. they were the size of CRABS. and they were everywhere. and they would travel in packs. and it was kind of like a disney movie, or something, because they were marching in very straight lines all in sync.

i guess it was kind a whimsical bad dream. if such a thing exists.

i really want to see the batman movie again. i wonder if that was one of the ones for sale in the dvd sale last week. i was listening to the Finale from les mis the other night and there's a line that goes, "even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise." and i thought, "hey - the dark knight!" and now i want to see it again. the new Heath Ledger movie is premiering at Cannes this week. have you seen the pictures of Jude, Colin and Johnny dressed up as his character? creeper mcgee at how much they all look alike. i think it will be strange.

aaaahhhhhh okay. i'm tried now. actually, i was tired half an hour ago but decided it was worth staying up and saying hello. it was totally worth it.

today i have to run errands. hit up the bank. possibly go to Best Buy and purchase a memory card for my camera. i need one for my trip. while i'm there, i might look at the external hard drives as well. i need another one since my old one died.

actually, i don't even really need another one since all my big files were on the old one, and now they're gone. fantastic.

ok. i'm going to bed now. and i'm not going to dream of bed bug crabs.

goodnight! love you!! it's friday!!! hampshire college graduation tomorrow!!!!!


1 comment:

thanks for the comment! you're the best!!