24 May 2009


(i like that my last two blog entry titles have rhymed!)

so, the big debate is whether or not i should bring Buck to ireland. my mom says absolutely not. i think kara said that too.

i was assuming i would just bring him. he's never been to Ireland before either.

i guess i just have to blog about this a little because it upsets me.

in my 8+ years of having Buck, i've only slept without him for one night. it was the night of Amy's wedding. the night the 7th Harry Potter book was released. i was planning on sleeping over Matt and Meg's after the wedding and i just forgot to bring him.

this is why i like bringing Buck places: he makes a great pillow. he can turn any uncomfortable situation into a comfortable one. for serious.

i don't know. i guess part of me is like,

JULIE 1: Yeah, why would you bring such a large stuffed animal to Ireland with you? He's just going to take up space. Also, you're 23, get over it.

and the other part of me is like,

JULIE 2: Why wouldn't you bring him to Ireland?? You've only slept one night without him in 8 years! You've taken him on all your other vacations, why is this one any different? Who cares if you're 23?!?! Not Buck.

i suppose he's a security thing. but, i never thought of him like that until now. so maybe he isn't. it was never like, "ok, i need buck there too." it was always like, "oh great, buck is coming!"

the people love buck. he's been up the east coast, over to the canadian west coast, the canadian east coast, driven through the rocky mountains, been to his homeland of florida multiple times....he loves vacationing!

i don't know. i suppose if there's room i'll bring him. i just feel like if i don't bring him, i'll be upset about it. sleeping alone in a foreign country with no Buck?? ugh. what a horrible time.

i guess i'd be willing to sacrifice clothing space for Buck. i could probably make room for him in my backpack. there was talk yesterday of adding straps to him and adding a zipper to his shell to turn him into a backpack.

i feel bad about even having this debate. why wouldn't Buck come!?! he'd love Ireland! it makes me nervous if i think about not bringing him.

i guess i'll let you know what i decide.

here are Buck, Oscar and Pooka napping in the hotel in Montreal. the housekeeper aligned them with Kara's pillow, thinking that the clown design belonged to the little child in our family. when, in fact, the three stuffed animals belonged to me, with the fancy teal design pillow next to the clown pillow. (ps::what a creeper clown on that pillow!)

ok. back to the pack.

:::PS::: the other day aliya and i were driving and, at a stop light, we pulled up next to this couple on a motorcycle. and the lady on the back had a sticker on her helmet that read, "Don't make me turn on my bitch switch!" we immediately decided it was the trip motto.


1 comment:

  1. i've changed my mind, you should def bring buck, he's a pillow, a security blanket, and a best friend...a triple threat!

    ugh, why did mommy make my room clown themed...worst idea ever!


thanks for the comment! you're the best!!